The Man in my life is, as nearly as I can tell, better built than the Six Million Dollar Man.
Stronger than The Terminator.
Built Ford Tough. Like a Rock. and all that boy stuff.
If perchance he gets sick or wounded you won't hear him utter a moan or groan. To do so would bring dishonor to his Montana Rancher/Norwegian Viking roots. He calls it "suffering in silence" and he lives the code well. He could live it perfectly if it weren't for his nag-of-a-wife, Me.
Ten days ago, he got a wood sliver in his leg, from the bed rail on his side. The side that the kids use to climb up on our bed. His side, because he's a pushover and the yahoos go to his side to climb in. My side is fine. But his side is sorta splintery I found out after he let out a small, almost silent, yelp.
Initially he asked me to use a needle and tweezers to pull out the sliver. But it was too deep under the skin. I suggested a trip to the Dr. My sanity was in question--
"Are you crazy? This isn't a reason to go to the Doctors..it'll work itself out." Hmmm. I doubted that. If it had been me, I'd have gone in. But not Mr. Viking.

So we doctored it up and off he went, never mentioning it again.
Until Saturday. He took the Boofus for a ride on the Santa Fe trail for a few miles and just as he rounded the corner of our street, his toe grip on his pedal, stuck, and he landed on his leg and knee, scuffing it up pretty good. As I was taking a look at it, I noticed the sliver site...now all red, swollen and ew--pus-filled.
I looked at him. Gave him the look. You know the one--"So, you're just gonna let this go, hunh? Like it's nothing, hunh? It's tender, swollen, pus-filled, and gross, and it's nothing, hunh?"
Yeah, that look. Look whose the idiot now.
We doctored it up again.
He wasn't feeling well Sunday, at all. So I hit him with, "You know, maybe you oughta see a doctor for that knee...it's pretty swollen." I couldn't tell him I was also anxious to get him in for the sliver too or the other myriad of things I want a Doctor to look at--nope, I had to start out small.
"I'll think about it."
Monday morning he was still in bed when I woke up at 5AM for the Seminary carpool. I knew then that his bionics must be giving him trouble.
I called the office to make an appointment. You should know that after last winter with my sick kids, I know all the office workers there...we're thisclose now.
"Blah-Blah Medical, may I help you?"
"Hi Stacy, this is Dawn__. Hey, my husband needs to come in today."
"What will we be seeing him for?"
"Well, I have a LIST of things, but the only thing he has is a sore swollen knee, overall fatigue, and a huge sliver that's been festering for a week."
"A sliver?"
"Yeah, it's way under the skin and I can't get it and if he can't get in today, he's gonna die of that flesh-eating disease or have to have his leg amputated." Yes, I know that's dramatic. I'm okay with dramatic.
I wasn't sure until the last moment that I would be invited to the Doctor's office. Hey! as long as he was willing to go, I didn't wanna push it!
While we're in the exam room, I ask if it's okay if I mention the other things that I've been worried about.
Mr Wonderful's eyebrows raise...he lets out a sigh..."Sure, why not. Knock yourself out."
The sliver comes out after the doc numbs the area and slices it open...and pulls out a TWO INCH sliver! It was huge, no kidding. As Mr W is laying there on the table, I use my doula technique, "Now, just breathe thru any pain...like this..." "Here, let's take you somewhere else...let's go to the cabin in Montana..."
Mr. W is not amused. "You can shut up now."
Is it wrong to say I was so dang happy to be there? To have my concerns validated?
By the time we left, the sliver was removed, a tetanus shot was given, an antibiotic prescribe, an xray of his knee, and a follow-up for some other things.
On the way home he reaches over for my hand and says, "Thank you for taking care of me."
I just smile...my sweetest smile and say, "Hey, you're not leaving me alone with all these kids!"
We got alot out of our $20 co-pay! Better deal than a trip to Walmart!
I'm glad you were able to take care of your hubby. A TWO-INCH sliver?? Yikes.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby is worse than the kids when he gets sick-he lays around and moans and won't eat or drink, despite my efforts. Luckily he doesn't get sick very often.
Good job stepping in- a girls gotta do what a man won't. Hope he's doing better.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it crazy how stubborn they are about going to the doctor? I practically have to hog-tie mine and drag him there!
PS. Glad he's all taken care of now...
a 2 inch sliver!! YIKES!!! I love the comment hey you arent leaving me alone with these kids...heheh thats too funny!!! See proof men cant live without us!!! (Strike one up for the women)
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute post, and I like the pictures illustrating your HE Man. I'm glad he let you take care of him and appreciated it, and loved your response! LOL
ReplyDeleteThis is cute. I don't know if it's good or bad that my hub isn't like that at all. In fact, he's kind of a hypochondriac.
ReplyDeleteYou are so clever...loved this post !
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got him there and he actually appreciated it in the end...men can be so stubborn. Mine is really good about going to the Dr. and after hearing what you go through, I am grateful for it !