Friday, August 28, 2009

This Isn't Burger King

After a long day at the clinic, I made a Royal Decision to have Papa Murphy's Pizza for dinner.

Dara arrives at the table--late--

you know how I feel about that.

Chicken Little would've tossed Dara

right out the door, unfed, un-lov-ed

but no, I am slightly more civil

than Chicken Little

so I let Dara sit down for dinner.

You know what this non-helper said??

"Aww, you didn't get Pepperoni and Cheese?"

To which I responded,

"Yes, I did, but the Cheese pizza is already in the oven."

TO which Miss Non-Helper whined,

"Awww...Mommmmmm...(high-pitch whining) why didn't you put the Pepperoni in first?

That's my favorite-- and I might die right now in a puddle of self-centered-pittiness--I told you

to put in the Pepperoni first!"

Okay, nix the 'self-centered-pittiness'--I added that for dramatic effect.

To which I responded,

"When I start working for you, you'll get better service."

Score one for Momza. Boo-yeah!


  1. Love it! One of my pet peeves are people coming late to the dinner table too. It's the one thing that makes me feel most unappreciated. I'm getting peeved just thinking about it....

  2. I see she's the 14 year old... Oh boy, I might be in trouble!! I have a 10 year old and she has the nerve to whine and complain to her neighbor that we MAKE her WORK!! He said, SO WHAT? I work all the time.

    I really wish I knew how to get her past this little lump in my road because it'd be a lot easier if she just helped out and did what I wanted.

    Good luck getting her to help.

  3. Self-centered pittiness. Love it. I think I'll steal it for one of my blog posts!! ;)

  4. Isn't it fun being the parents of teenagers?! Good thing we have blogging so we can share our misery--and our joy!

  5. funny stuff, Momza. ya did good.


  6. See this?! It's me doing my favorite dance moves to celebrate your score!! Way to go friend!!!

  7. I found you from MMB! I totally would have put the frozen pepperonis on the half done cheese pizza nd served...


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