Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Googled Myself!

As I was "googling" someone else,
the thought came:
"Google Yourself!"
And I typed out my Blogging Name
in that little space.

Is it true?
Am I really the only Momza
in the Blogger-verse?

I'm not an original anything.
Not really.
I just float in and out
of the shadows
nearly a wallflower
at best.

And yet, to my surprise
there I was
GOOGLE knows
And now I'm feeling
to the world outside

Can I
Un-Google my self?

Have you Googled
Go do it now
and come back
and share what it says--
is it You?

Freaky stuff this


  1. I get a lot of blog activity when I google myself. My blog, my BlogHer info (even though I never go there), blogs I've posted on... What I find funny is that some of what pops up for me is activity on popular blogs that I posted months ago. Comments I left in the past but since that blog or website is more popular, it is higher up on the list.

  2. hahaha. I didn't tell you that I was showing your blog to my daughter at her house and I didn't have your URL name so I googled you and sure 'nuf, there you were!

  3. I'm a little paranoid about googling myself. I often google my blog name with my real name to make sure there aren't any links anywhere. Which is silly, I think. I guess because I blog so openly about my kids, I like the blanket of anonymity that my blog name, and lack of real name provides. It's amazing what you can find out through Google, that's for sure!

  4. Yep, I've definitely googled myself...In fact, I've been doing it a lot recently, because I just changed the host of my poetry website and am having to work with my keywords a bit to re-establish the keyword-oriented hits I was getting prior to the change. Google can be a little tricky.

    I'm always surprised how much information they pick up...and also how erratic it is. For example, I wrote about 36 articles for Deseret Book's LDS Living (then Mormon-Life), and they've only picked up about 1/5 of them. Strange. I can never quite figure out how those Google-bots work.


    PS. And, yes, you can un-Google yourself, but it's hard, and they make you do all the footwork.

  5. I did it! And there was my blog. And a comment I left on someone else's blog. Kind of random.

  6. I googled myself and there are a lot of Nonna's out there but only one Nonna Beach...thanks, I never thought of doing that before...and I was always thinking I'd have a lower profile in Bloggerville LOL !

  7. Yes, I agree! I'd love to un-Google myself. I made a comment once while in grad school about head lice & plug-in "for public library use only" head phones (I'm a Librarian, you know). I still run across that post when I Google my name from time to time. Yikes! (as well as all the million & one comments I make on people's blogs...)

  8. Okay so I googled my blog name and guess what came up? A comment I wrote you YOUR blog!! Too funny.

  9. @Joy: HA! I too came across my name as it related to comments made on others' blogs! how wild is that?!

  10. okay, trying it but where to start . . . my name? my blog name, my photography stuff . . . twitter profile . . . hmmmm . . . let just try my name . . .

    Amazing - someone with my name has some VERY interesting photos on flickr, another is a retired female volleyball player from California. Not a single link to me for pages - think I'm having an identity crisis :)



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