Thursday, October 1, 2009

What they don't know...

In Mormonese, being a Latter-Day Saint is loosely translated into "that person who is always in meetings."
It's true. Ask any LDS or Mormon person you know, and they'll fess up. Because we have a lay ministry, it's up to US the members to keep this place cookin'.
We label our individual duties as "callings"...and most of us have had to help in nearly every organization there is set up in the Church. I've taught and led in the Women's Organization, Relief Society; the Young Women's organization (12-18 yr old girls), the Primary Organization (18 mos. to 12 yrs.), Missionary work, even the Facilities committee (cleaning the building itself! and getting others to give up their Saturday morning to do the same--and honestly, it was a fun calling that the whole family could do together), and I've also served in the Temple...among other things.
In short, I thought I'd pretty much served everywhere over the last 30 years since I converted to the LDS faith.
I was wrong.
Mr W and I have recently been called to be Stake Single Adults Representatives...SAPS for short.
lol Hey, it sounds better than SARS right? Cuz we all know that's not good.

So Tuesday night was our first meeting that is sure to become a blip in my memory as more meetings ensue in the coming weeks and months.
This meeting was a Multi-Stake meeting...wherein the seats were filled with Stake Presidency members, High Councilmen, and other men who have either been Bishops or Stake Presidency members, covering the entire Colorado Springs region. And also in attendance, presiding over this meeting was our own Stake President and one of his councilors. (Or is it counsellors? spell check, anyone?)
At the end of the long table sat two unknowns. That would be Mr W and Me.
"One of these things is not like the of these things is not the same...can you guess which one?"

I felt like a hog wearing a silk dress.
Thoughts runnin through my head like
"Don't they know I'm not holy like them?"
"Don't they know I don't make my bed everyday?"
"Don't they know I fed my family hot dogs and chili last weekend and zipped them up in a tent?"

Seriously, didn't they get the memo? How can I rub shoulders with all these guys? When they find out my kids have names for bodily functions that include "Wookie farts" or "fart storms"
will they then come to their senses and realize that they have chosen unwisely?

When will they realize this stuff and look around for someone else to step in and sweetly say to me, "Don't let the door slam on your way out."
I'm just wondering how I can ever measure up.
Maybe I should start by reading my scriptures more diligently. Like twice a week.
Make my bed everyday.
Stop buying chili altogether.

Whaddya think?


  1. You're too funny! I feel the same way though. I feel very inadequate. Recently I was assigned 3 ladies to visit teach and they are such good LDS women that I feel totally unworthy of trying to "teach" them anything. I've decided just to bribe them with baked good instead!

  2. Momza,
    I wish I had a dollar foe every meeting I've attended or directed over the past 42 years !

    With a calling like that, you both have to be good ! LOL
    Hope you all enjoy conference this weekend.

  3. I honestly think that they don't care two bits whether or not you make your bed. I'm betting if you asked around, you'd find someone else who feels the same way that you do. Don't worry. You'll do great. My parents are serving in that same calling right now. They were a little bit nervous at first, but they have loved it.

  4. You know what? The people I know that serve in the single adults branches/wards are the "cool" people. And the "I'm not worthy/prepared/able!" feeling means your in the right calling!

  5. Sounds like a great calling to me, and I bet you'll be perfectly suited to it!


  6. Okay, I can no longer be your friend. You don't make your bed daily, you fed your family hot dogs and chili, and made them sleep in a tent. Oh my gosh! That is horrible. And it is the fall, you my "hog" friend, shouldn't be wearing is after labor day.... Your blogs make me laugh. Hope you are feeling better. Love ya, Nan

  7. Congratulations!! I think it is great you have that calling. We have some friends who recently were given that same calling as well. They were told what was needed were some very out going fun loving, people who would reach out and rally the young adults. So seriously, can you think of anyone better than yourself to do that? I think not! Best of luck!!

  8. well I feel much better about this calling...thanks to you all for your kind comments!
    Nan: thanks for running my life yesterday while I was sick in bed.

  9. Well, I'm a day or two late reading this-but I hope you felt better after hearing Elder Bednar's talk in Conference about the remarks his kids made. I know I did. Young Adults are GREAT! You will love the calling as soon as the newness and awkwardness wears off. I mean, you already know how to love them-you feed missionaries! (my husband was a YSA branch prez. years ago and we also served in that same capacity twice as ward reps.)

  10. My parents serve as something similar! Are you still in their stake? Good luck! You guys will do awesome! I do agree with your mormon translation though.... meetings, meetings meetings. But it must be true cause we all still go right? love you guys!


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