Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shout-Outs, HomeBirth and Heaven-stuff

It's 2:30AM Tuesday morning.
I'm not a night owl
nor am I an early bird.
Coughing got me up
to make some Echinacea tea
and check emails and others blogs
that I missed reading over the
Everyone has been so busy
out in blogland!
SO here's my shoutouts:

~Wendy, so glad you are still alive
after the whitewater rafting trip!

I wanna do that someday! Fear and common sense
seem to get in my way! I just need to jump in!

~Sue, Tammy, and all the others who posted
about General Conference,

I'm right there with you!
The house was like Grand Central Station
for Conference,
as people poured in and out to watch
the 4 different sessions with our family.
And I loved it, too.
I will say, I missed President Hinckley
alot this year.
Especially at the end of Sunday afternoon--
I longed to see that little grey-haired Granpa
walk over to the podium
and tell everyone to drive home safely,
like he always did.

~Sara, you look beautiful pregnant!

I got a birth call on Monday morning
at 12:45 am that one of our pregnant Moms
was in active labor...
that call always gives me an instant shot
of adrenaline!
I got over to the house to find Momma D.
being comforted by Papa R. as she slowly breathed thru
each wave of contractions.
I brought things out of the Midwife's car
and began the set-up.
Emily arrived and I am always glad when she shows up!
She is a younger gal who has been doing homebirth
a long time and makes her job look effortless.
After the set-up was complete,
we decided that one of us should sleep
while two watched after Momma D.
Since I've been the one with a cold
last week,
I was voted to rest first.
I welcomed it and went downstairs to rest.
The only WAHHH moment I wanna share
is that there were no blankets or throws
to be found
and the heat vents were closed
so I was a popsicle!
After an hour's rest,
it was evident that Momma D.'s Baby
was in a posterior position and needed to be turned.
So we tried lots of different positions
and took her over to an awesome
Chiropractors' office for an adjustment.
This Guy was amazing!
We were there 35 minutes
and he rotated the baby!
I am not kidding! I saw it with my own eyes!
And his technique was nearly imperceivable!
Dr. Davis, you rock!
Momma D.'s labor went from a
sluggish 8 minutes
to a fast clipping 5, 4, 3 minutes apart
within an hour afterwards!
Yea! for people who know what they're doing
and do it perfectly!
Momma wondered aloud
if the pain was going to get worse.
"are you sure it's not going to get
worse than this?"--
she was a first time Momma
and handled her labor very well.
From the time she was adjusted
to the time she was complete-
it was only 3 1/2 hours.
She loved the pool
and said she wanted no part of the
birthing stool
yet when it came right down to it
the stool really helped her
bring that baby down.
Delivery was alot of work
but @ 1:40 PM
the newest perfect little boy came into the world!
And here's something wild--
going into labor noone knew what the Gender was--
so as I'm tending to Momma D.
I was saying a prayer for her and baby
and the rest of us too--
and I just asked Heavenly Father
what the gender was--
am I praying for a male spirit or a female?
Male, came back the answer.
So as the other people in the room
were referring to the baby as "she"
I kept saying "he"--
even when the hearttones suggested
I smiled and said,
"nope, I'm betting it's a boy."
I learned that you can put questions
out there and get an answer
right then.
So after many hours away from home,
I returned with stringy hair (from the sauna-like bedroom)
and a need for a hot shower
with a little bit of heaven
in my heart.
The weekend seemed to go forever
but I am looking forward
to a very boring


  1. Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Congrats to the mother of the new baby! What a great experience that must always be for you. And about being able to get answers immediately .. . that is interesting you mention that. My husband and I were just talking about that last night. I had an experience where I was just thinking about a piece of information I needed, I hadn't even prayed about it yet, and the answer popped into my head. I was so amazed at that.

  2. Amazing what the chiropractor did...and pretty wonderful! It's also cool that they waited to find out what sex the baby was. There's something to be said for that lovely element of surprise. Old-fashioned ways are sometimes good as gold.


  3. Oh my goodness, how I long to be a midwife/doula! What a wonderful experience and thank you for sharing! Maybe one day, when I have no small children at home, I can fulfill my dream!

  4. What a great story. What an awesome job you have! I loved witnessing the birth of my grandchildren. I was sad to miss the last one because of a C-section.


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