Friday, October 23, 2009

More Surprises & Stuff

Random things left over from our trip to Surprise, Arizona...

* We bought Michael Buble's new cd and listened to it exactly 231 times...give or take. Song #5 is the fav. But #4 is way fun to sing with too!

* In looking for a Mexican place to eat, the GPS led us to Ralberto's in Flagstaff. Ptui!!! GAG! Don't go there!!! Ever! Fake Guacamole!!!! Like, from a jar or something. Plastic guacamole--there oughta be a law!!!

* Quoting Diana: "I don't typically lie." Nan:" Typically? Except on days ending in "y"? Momza: "I don't typically lie. much." oh we played that one into the ground!

* Sardella's Pizza and wings off Cactus and die for...we bought a cheese pizza and 40-pc wings to go! Which we had for dinner tonight! YUM!

* At the Fry's market next door to Sardella's, we bought every stinkin' jar of Macayo's taco sauce--both mild and medium. And it was good. We're serious about our salsa. just sayin.
That was 10 bottles, fyi. And yes, I woulda bought more if I coulda.

* I was in complete shock when we won the court case. My attorney prolly thinks I'm a weirdo for not jumping up and down. I was just trying not to hurl. My knees actually felt weak.

* A plug for my attorney: Carlie Owsley Walker at R.J. Peters and Assoc. TOTALLY ROCKS!

* Nan's friend, Jennifer has a chihuahua that looks kinda like a pot-bellied pig. it even oinks.

* Nan only wanted to stay in hotels that had 24 hour jacuzzis. I will travel with her the rest of my life.

* I still haven't unpacked. I've been too tired today. Tomorrow isn't lookin good either, fyi.

* I forgot my camera. ugh. I may never forgive myself for that.


  1. Can you buy that Macayo's taco sauce online? Must be good if you bought 10 bottles!

  2. Your attorney... is everything ok?

  3. i need to get that new CD, good to hear you loved it!

    vanessa from

  4. Aww. I wish I could have been part of the surprise too!

  5. I love Michael Buble, and so do my kids!!


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