Monday, October 19, 2009

Road Trip!

The mountains of Colorado
will trail behind me
in my rear view mirror
as we drive South
for the land of kokopeli's
cactus, asphalt
and hot

It was a toasty 100 degrees
there in the Valley of the Sun
It's supposed to be in the high 80's
while we're there...
I am thankful for tender mercies.
I can't do 100o anymore,
that's freaking HOT!
I'd probably cry if I had to--
I'm a sissy that way.

So I've dragged out my
short sleeves
and capris,
my sunblock
and sandals
and even my swimsuit.
In October!
On account of it being so hot.

I haven't been to Phoenix since 1998.
I've heard it's gotten
and the hot pavement goes forever
in all directions!

This small-town girl is ready
for the likes of the 5th largest city
in America.
I've packed my bag,
gotten a great tour guide
and said my prayers.

Did I mention it's going to snow here this week?
And I will be seeking air-conditioning like none other there.
Did I tell you it's hot?


  1. Momza, Stay inside as much as possible and find a 24 hour ice cream parlor. I have found that ice cream as well as chocolate help me deal with the less pleasurable things in life, like heat and challenging people. Remember we are all with you in spirit.

  2. I know, It's crazy that it's still so hot. Have lots of water or you'll get a headache. I wish my week wasn't so busy because I would love to meet and visit with you.

  3. It isn't that bad here!! You will love it! And it will give you a warm memory to hold onto when you are in sub zero temps in CO!!:-)


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