Friday, October 9, 2009

Sick days Fall 2009

Cold Season = Kiddos home from school.

= Legos

We keep telling ourselves that one day,
our boy is gonna be
the next
Bill Gates...
engineering, architecture,
aerospace design...
the sky is the limit!
--the only thing holding him back
is his aversion to Math.

but for right now,
we're keepin' him
supplied in legos!

p.s. my voice was hoarse from same said cold.

What do your kids do on sick days?


  1. You know, my older brothers are 24 and 30 and they still get Legos for Christmas. I love the creativity they inspire. :)

    Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!

  2. Legos were always a very big hit at my house, too.


  3. Thats quite the systems he has for his legos! reminds me of Sam (my brother) he could think of the craziest things! My kids are still little... so they snuggle with mom when they are sick! (can't say I hate it.....)

  4. Legos are the best. And sick days at our house are movie days.


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