Sunday, December 13, 2009

And sometimes it rains...

Friday at 4:14am the phone rang.
I was expecting a call--
after all, we have 3 more Mama's due this month.
But it wasn't from the Midwife.
It was Mr. Idaho's Mom
who has been staying with him and Dani
to help out with the new baby.

Dani passed out at home
and was taken away by ambulance
to the hospital.
I listened to every detail
then fending off "panic"
got myself together
and Mr W and I drove up there
to see my girl.

Thoughts, mostly negative,
were like storm clouds in my mind
building up into tears.

When we arrived at the hospital
I wasn't "okay" until my arms were around
my girl
my lips on her cheeks
my hands holding hers...
they'd already begun running tests
before we got there--
blood tests,
and then while we were there:
and a catscan...
looking for bloodclots.

I didn't like this hospital--
they did no hands-on examination.
Just listened to the symptoms
did the tests
and with very little to go on,
prescribed an antibiotic
and sent us home...
with promises to call us when
lab results are in.

Mr W went on to work,
and I went to the kids' little apartment
where Mr. Idaho's (Granma Boise) mom had stayed behind
with the Golden child.

My girl is having a hard time...
her body is not bouncing back
from childbirth--

Dani's recovery is slow.
She is one big Hurt.

I stayed overnight
and took a turn on the
baby-feeding wheel--
because of the Catscan,
Dani couldn't nurse for 24 hours.
So we all took turns at feeding
the baby...
I was first.
He woke up an hour and 45 minutes
after I went to bed. ha!
And then again in two hours
and again in two hours...
I enjoyed getting up with him so much
that I didn't relinquish my post
With my own children,
I enjoyed those 2am feedings--
just me and my baby
learning each other
while the rest of the world slept.
I loved it.

But then again,
mine weren't near 11 pounds
and hungry every 2 hours.
(and boy! was I ever grateful for sleep last night!)

Dani hadn't had 8 hours of sleep in one shot
since before the baby was born...
the next morning,
her color was back
laughter filled her
and made her giggle and wince
at the same time
because of stitches,
but she looked better.
We have a silly sense of humor
and shared it over the baby.
David Scott called to check on Dani
and asked her if he could call the baby
"Gary" like SpongeBob Squarepants' pet snail
and asked if Dani was gonna teach him to
"Meow" too?
So the rest of the day,
Dani and I were "meowing" at the baby.
Ridiculous, I know.
Childish, I know.
Fun! Totally!
We joked and giggled
and ate Granma Boise's banana bread.
She rested and cared for her aching body.
This body has taken a beating lately--
it feels foreign to her.
She wonders if it will ever be "hers" again.

By late afternoon
it was time to go home...
and tears surfaced in my girls' eyes.
Having your Mom nearby is
I knelt by her bedside
and said
I knew that this was hard for her,
that this isn't what she expected--
but it will pass.
And soon she will be up and about
and back in charge of her home
and her baby.
And the longer lesson will show
when she is in the circle of other women
and "birth stories" are shared--
she will have a greater understanding
with those whose stories are not all happy
and sunshiney and rosey...
she will have a greater empathy and compassion
when they share their struggles too.

Tears began to fall like rain drops...
I know becoming a Mother is hard--
the aches and pains,
the fleshiness and awkwardness
of full breasts
and tenderness everywhere...
lack of sleep distorts everything too.
The celebration of childbirth
with it's fireworks and sunshine
can sometimes give way
to a sky of rainclouds
and periods of rain
before the rainbows appear.

Storms may gather above
and hide the sun for a while,
but eventually the clouds let go
the rain falls
and something good grows because of it...
A Mother.


  1. Your poor sweet Dani...she was practically split in half giving birth to that gorgeous baby and now this. I'm so relieved she is O.K.

    You are so poetic and write so beautifully ! Momza, time to think seriously about writing a book for Moms...I'd buy one in a heartbeat and would give them as gifts at baby showers LOL !

  2. I agree on the book idea. And reading this brought back memories of my first birth. My daughter had a 16 inch head!! No, that is not an exaggeration. She had the biggest head in the nursery. And it left me with a fourth degree tear. I was sure I would never walk again and was pretty miserable for the next 2 months. But life did get better, and now it is, as you say, one of those stories I can pull out when all the women get together and brag about how they had the easiest/hardest childbirth ever! :-) I wish your daughter the very best. I am so sorry for her difficulty

  3. Please give Dani my love! I cryed from the very first sentence. What a story of strength and courage and I will be ever grateful for my own mom and the "easy" birth I was able to have. People joke that Hansen woman bounce back so fast that its normal for us to be busy cleaning our house the next morning! Dani is a real example of Womanhood.

  4. My heart hurts for Dani. The hardest thing I've ever done is birth my babies. After my first child I overheard the nurses say about me, "She'll never want to have another child after this" It was pretty bad. With my last, I was 10 centimeters for 5 hours without the baby coming down. So painful.

    On the way to the hospital with my first, I remember saying, "It can't be THAT hard because everybody keeps having babies". Oh yea, it was THAT hard and more. I thought I was dying a slow and painful death. But I made it and did it again 5 more times because mothering those sweet babies and seeing them grow to be individuals is the greatest joy I've ever experienced. It was worth all the pain.

  5. I will definitely keep your daughter in my prayers and hope that she bounces back as quickly as possible. One thing's for sure, having a baby that size is no walk in the park. No wonder she's hurting!


  6. congrats on Dani's baby! Such a precious baby! We will pray for her through these hard, but precious and beautiful times. It is a struggle and a joy at the same time isn't it! She is in our thougths and prayers as she continues to recover! merry christmas!

  7. Oh boy! How hard/surreal for you to watch your child go through this. It must be hard for a mother.

    I know where she is. So many people talk about the joys of motherhood, but no one prepared me for how HARD it is for your body to "bounce" back after a hard labor, 9 months of pregnancy, and CRAZY hormones thrown in the mix. I look back at those days with Jacob, they were so hard but I also learned the passion of love I could have for my baby and my family. So, here I am...I'm so ready to have this baby....even though I know how hard it is going to be, because it is all worth so worth the rain! Hang in there Dani!

  8. Oh, I've been behind on my blog reading and am sorry to be delayed in expressing my well wishes and prayers for Dani. I hope by now, she is doing better.


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