Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Birthdays

Alot of babies are trying to do their parent's a
huge tax favor
by coming before the end of the year.
There was a birth on
And another yesterday morning,
And yet another later in the day.
We still have one more to come.

When I was a kid
I used to wish my birthday was on
Christmas Day.

As I was driving to the early morning home birth,
it was beautiful.
The landscape was inspiring--
rolling snow-covered hills,
twinkling Christmas lights
beaming from houses and trees
along the way...
so lovely.

The home itself was decked out
for the holidays--
the tree, the lights, even a little pink stocking
with a little "L" on it--
to celebrate a new sweet little girl
arriving in that family!
It just seemed so perfectly suited
for the birth of a child.

For many of us,
we are celebrating the birth of
the Babe in Bethlehem...
the Lord, Jesus Christ
as we light the lights
fill our homes with lovely carolls,
enjoy our family and friends
with gifts and yummies--
reaching outward to show
an inward
for the Gift of God...
that began with a little baby
lying in a manger.
But for these families
who have the blessing of a new child
fresh from heaven-
I just can't think of a sweeter gift.
And for these mothers,
they may be relating to Mary
in a new way this Christmas season.

I watched "The Nativity"
with Dani last weekend...
she commented that she has a whole new
for what Mary went through---
"I wouldn't want to ride a donkey
while pregnant. All those miles!"
"Can you imagine giving birth in a stable? ugh."
And I was thinking of Joseph too...
We don't know if he had a donkey too,
or if he had to walk the whole way.
I love Joseph's example.

I love the blessing I have been given
to be doing what I'm doing...
helping in any way,
a woman give birth
is the most rewarding thing I can do,
other than being a Mother myself.
I love it.

So Happy Birthday, all you December babies!


  1. >>>a huge tax favor<<<

    this line was funny!

    you gave us holiday spirit with this post,
    really glad that we dropped by.

    keep up the good work,
    and we wish you a very merry Christmas
    for you and yours.



  2. John asked recently if there was any chance of the baby coming before December 31st. I told him hopefully but not likely. He was dissapointed....He'd love the tax deduction he says! Ha! Than he quickly ammended, that he would also like me not to have to be uncomfortable any longer and to meet the baby.
    Oh men and their ideas!

    But on a more serious note, thank you for sharing your insight on our person experience in relation to that of our Savior and His earthly parents. It does take on a different meaning when you are a parent yourself.

  3. I felt so many of those same feelings last year while holding our new grandbaby!! I also had a baby around Christmas time. And it really does bring a lot of appreciation and relection about Mary and what she experienced. Thanks for putting into words those thoughts. And now I think I will have to go get out the Nativity movie. We haven't watched that for a couple years.

    Merry Christmas!


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