Saturday, December 19, 2009

Twas the Weekend Before Christmas

It's Saturday,
the last Saturday before Christmas.
And I am wide awake at 5 o'clock in the morning!
Visions of sugar plums aren't the only things
dancing thru my head!

I have got stuff to do
as I prepare for the whole family
to be together this coming week!
David Scott and Tisha are on their way
from Boise
arriving here tomorrow!
Dani and Mr. Idaho  and the Golden Child,
will be here Monday
and Deano joins us Christmas Eve--
along with Brother and Sister Boise (Mr. Idaho's folks)
and their yahoos!

I am so stinking excited,
I just can't even sleep!
Aside from meal plans,
I am also getting things lined up for some fun activities:
the Whole Hee Haw Gang is going  snow tubing,
and we're having a White Elephant gift exchange
and a family picture taken!
We are going to be busy!

Plus, there are 4 babies who've yet to arrive!
And we're expecting snow this next week!
I wonder if we'll have a White Christmas,
like the Boise Famlies want?

My Honey-DO list is long too.
And the missionaries are coming for breakfast.
Is it too early to rouse the troops
and get this show on the road??

It's the last weekend before Christmas!
I can't wait!


  1. I love your enthusiasm. It's infectious! We've got a lot on our plates today too. Good luck with everything! Merry Christmas!

  2. I have a lot to do as well, and fortunately, I'm feeling considerably better today, though my energy level is flagging a bit. But I won't let that stop me! Fortunately, my gang doesn't arrive till Wednesday, so I've got a couple of extra days to get the shopping, etc. done. (I don't think I'll venture out of the house quite yet...No reason to share this lovely cold with others.)

    Have a wonderful time anticipating...and greeting!


  3. Hurray for families getting together. My kids are coming home tonight too. Yippee Yahoo!

  4. Your post made me laugh. I know how you feel! My house is full and I am loving it. And that long list of things I needed to do shrunk very quickly when all my kids pitched in. We pulled of a miracle yesterday with everything we got done. It was great!

    Have a Merry Christmas!


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