Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Affirmations for Cynics

Mr Wonderful can be facetious
and at times,

I bought this book for him:

It rebels against pop-psychology,
says therapists aren't worth what they cost,
and advises the reader to embrace the energies
of anger, revenge, remorse,
and letting self-pity fill your soul.
is a

And I quote some "affirmations":

Today I will create a crisis situation so I can really feel alive.

Extreme mood swings are my goal for the day, as they are so invigorating.

Today I will surround myself with unhealthy people so that I may feel superior to them.

Today I will lie in bed and wallow in self-pity.

Today I will practice playing the victim with my friends and co-workers.

I have the hardest life.

Today I will provoke a loved one's anger just to assure myself that I still have an effect on him or her.

I have a right to be dysfunctional.

Today I will practice  keeping secrets from loved ones.

Today I will buy high-watt light bulbs for my bathroom
so I can better obsess over my wrinkles.

Today I will consciously repeat a destructive pattern from my past.

Today I will make my significant other mind-read my feelings.

I acknowledge that winter's darkness traps me in my house.

I will ignore my needs today.

and to end on a happy note:

I accept that others control my happiness.


Now think about this...are you guilty of any of these?
I am guilty as charged, but I can be better~!


  1. I love it! Where can I get a copy of that book?

  2. @Melissa: I got it at Barnes & Noble.

  3. I remember an english teacher in HS telling me that I was cynical, and I had to go look it up to find out what it meant. So yeah, I can relate to some of those...or more than some...I think I need this book too!

  4. Ouch yes! I see a few of myselves in there . . . I too can do better!

  5. I am LOL...This is so funny. Thanks for a good morning laugh! (and yes, I may or may not have done any or all of those!)

  6. Oh, not me, but other people!! :-) Just kidding. Although I did recognize some of those in people I know, unfortunately I found a few of my own as well. Good fun--with a message. Thanks.

  7. I so needed this today!! The laugh and the little dose of reality were very good for me.


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