Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is That Your Mom?

So I get an email
from some guy who says:

"I work for a citizen journalism publication called Fresh Ink in Colorado Springs. I noticed you had photos from Old Colorado City. I'm curious, do you live in the Springs area? If so, I'd love to feature your writing/pictures in our paper and online: www.csfreshink.com."

Um. okay...is this fer reals? I was/AM amazed that Mormon Mommy Blogs is allowing me to play with them...but I'm a Mormon Mommy/Momza...so it's not that big of a stretch. You know, talking all things mormon and mommy-isms...that is a realistic venture for me.
Divine Caroline lets me say what I want because ...shoot, I have no idea why they do, yet they do? I should look into this...
But people in my community want me to play too?  This could be serious. I could mess up. Share too much irrelevant information.  Embarass my kids.
Embarass my kids?
Why, I would never.


  1. Oh yay!! I love when good people have good things heading their way. Too cool!

  2. Exciting. I've always thought you should be published.

  3. Wow, that sound like fun! Be sure to link to your articles so we can read 'em, okay?


  4. Congratulations, someone knows talent when they read it. You have kept me entertained for awhile now. Oh ya, like Sue above, please link your articles for us outside of Colorado.

  5. I will be sure to link 'em here too. This is gonna be wild, no doubt!

  6. This is so exciting for you! Congrats! What a great opportunity.


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