Tuesday, January 5, 2010

His Promises Are Sure OR St. Terry Ignatius Alaskus Polaroid

~For Terry~
A few years ago, Dani met a young Air Force guy in a college classroom
and for reasons only known to him, he followed her home.
We got to know him pretty well,
so we did what we love to do with all of the people we care about,
we started to share the Gospel with him...
had him kneel with us in family prayer
share in devotionals
meet the missionaries (yes, we've been lovin those missionaries forever!)--
in fact, he experience his first answered prayer during that time,
he shared with us.
It was just a real privilege to get to know him.

During this same time,
I had an experience wherein I saw
Mr. Wonderful standing in a baptismal font
with St. Terry Ignatius Alaskus Polaroid
both of them dressed in white,
Mr. W's hand raised to the square.
I interpreted that to mean that one day
Mr. W would baptize St. Terry I. A. Polaroid.

Well, for reasons only known between Dani & St. Terry I.A. Polaroid
things fizzled out;
we moved to Fort Collins
then onto Meridian-you-can't-swing-dead-cat-without-hittin-a-Mormon-Idaho
and Dani became Hermana Johnson in the New Jersey Cherry Hill Mission.
I kept in contact with St. Terry while she was gone.
The thoughts crossed my mind
that how on earth would that "vision" come to pass
if we didn't even see St. Terry
who by that time had moved from Colorado
to his hometown in Alaka??
What did that all mean?
Did I just imagine it?
Was I drinking too much Pepsi back then
and high on caffeine?
What was the deal, Neal?

So I kept in contact like I said
thru emails and such...
I used to have a wicked MYSPACE page
but deleted it because MYSPACE was too wicked
for my eyes to handle.
This past October I get an email from St. Terry
saying he's gonna be out our way later that month.
I was so surprised.
It had been at least 4 or 5 years since we'd last seen him.
So we invited him for dinner.
he came.

And we talked.
And I told him about my dream.
That he needed to look into the Church.
Read the Book of Mormon.
Pray about it.
And we've kept talking
he's reading the BoM
and praying about it.
And guess what?
He's coming here at the end of the month
to visit us.
I hope he brings a white shirt.


  1. Great story! Thanks for sharing it.


  2. Nothing wrong with to much Pepsi and caffeine...
    just saying....Nan


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