Friday, January 8, 2010

Scenes from a Life

After near-death experiences,
people often say,
"My life flashed before my eyes."

I've been thinking about that.
Not that I'm plannin' on dyin' anytime soon
but what if we could PICK the scenes
we wanted to see and review again?

What would we wanna see?

My thinker started thinking
and in no particular order,
my chosen "flashes" would include,
but not be limited to (I have to add that part bc my memory stinks on ice and there are quite probably wonderful moments I have forgotten that I would LOVE to see again!)
a few of my favorites.
So here we go:

I want to relive:

Walking up the steps to see my Great-Granma Fanny
from Britain. Sitting on her lap and listening to her music box.
I remember her black lace up shoes and her white hair.
I've forgotten her voice, so that'd be nice to hear it again.

Sleeping on the shore in Miami Beach.  My folks would take us there
often, and we'd have white bread and baloney sandwiches--with actual sand--
and we'd stay all day--long enough to take naps on the beach under the tiki huts.
I can still hear the ocean waves in my head and feel the warm sun on my body, when I think about it long enough.
I'd like to see that again.

Christmas morning when I was father surprised my mother with a red velvet dress. She was so happy she cried.  And it was a beautiful dress...I ran my fingers over the silver embellishments and diamond-like rhinestones.  I'd never seen my mom so happy she cried.

April 20, 1978.  The first time I prayed and got an answer from heaven right in the moment.  I'd love to see that again.  Radiating warmth, head to toe.  That was a sweet moment I never want to forget because it changed my life.

November 4th, 1978.  My baptism. The missionaries, the friends, the water, the Spirit.  All of it.

The day I became a Mother.  Oh that was touching heaven itself.  I could've run a mile after the birth, I was on such a euphoric high!  I want to smell his baby neck all over again.  I'd like to see from the outside what I really looked like--all of 20 years old and a new Mother.

April 1986. Dr. Raun Melmud's office. The day I sat in his office, holding my little Dean, and the doctor revealed his diagnosis of "Cerebral palsy".  I heard the words and instantly melted into Dean's beauitiful blue eyes for relief.  Surely, angels were at my side in that moment.  I'd like to see them.

I'd like to flash on my early years as a Mother of young children.  SO many of those days have faded as they were lived: busy and fatigued.  But I laughed so much too.  I'd love to re-visit those days in tiny apartments and tupperware cups and plates.

My first time to the Temple--in Mesa.  Oh, I loved that day.  Those sweet tender feelings and new understanding.  That would be a grand flash, if I could.

The first time I met Kent.  Oh, I'd like to flash on that scene about two dozen times! Just for the laughs alone would be fun!

Helping Dani & David Scott get ready for Proms and Homecomings would be fun too.  Looking for Dean in the neighborhood by listening for the sound of the leaf-blower.
Hanging out in Wales with Kent and the kids...or walking up to the Castle in Edinburgh and sitting on the top court looking out on the Firth of Fourth, while three-year Dara slept on my lap,  her blonde hair blew in sunny seaside air.

Ahhh so many treasured gifts in my journey.  I have a long list of "do-overs" and "flashes"...

The truth is, I don't know if I will have one of those "Life-flashing-before-my-eyes"
experiences.  Guess I should be grateful I have so many scenes from my life, that I'd want to see them a couple more times, right?

How about you?  Are there scenes you'd like see again?


  1. there are so many scenes I'd like to see again. But your scenes actually brought tears to my eyes and made me pray.

    Thank you for that.

  2. I love this, Momza! What a beautiful, beautiful and blessed life you share and give!

  3. Loved your flashback wishes and could relate my own version of many of them, especially the big events.

    But I'd love to relive some of the small events, too. I can remember waking up one morning in my dorm room at the U of Utah to the sound of "Love Can Make You Happy" by Mercy and realizing that the guy I was dating (my husband) was "the one." The sun was pouring through the window, and I was wearing a terry cloth, zip-up "shorty" robe that was white with pink and yellow tulips on it. I can even remember the smell of my Jean Nate.


  4. Did you know your blog is good for my soul? You are amazing.

    PS-love the new family pic!

  5. What sweet experiences you have shared. Isn't it wonderful to have memories that warm our hearts. I think there are a lot of scenes I would love to see again--and a few I would not. :-)

  6. Thanks for all of the wonderfully kind comments.
    Just totally made my day even sweeter!


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