Saturday, January 9, 2010

NightLife as a Midwife

It's almost midnight.
I should be asleep.
There are babies due any minute
that I will have to drop everything
and run-off into the night to meet.

And I shouldn't be up
right now.
I should be counting sheep.
But I fell asleep watching TV at eight
and now I sit here awake.

This stinks on ice.


  1. Been there. Done that. Drunk a lot of morning Diet Cokes as a result. Sleep tight, Momza.

  2. I hear ya!! I should be asleep too! After all it is Saturday morning! But my body doesn't know when it is a weekend and wants to wake up at 4:30 every day!! At least I have blogger friends to keep me company on mornings like this. :-)

  3. The story of my life too. Dozing at 7 pm and then wide awake at 1. {sigh} Must be mid life.

  4. That is the worst! But... any babies overnight??

  5. Yep, falling asleep watching TV is always deadly to my getting a good night's sleep. There's even a particular (very comfortable) chair I refuse to sit in after 8 PM.

    A preventative measure.


  6. Came over from another blog where I saw your comment. Love your blog. My last baby was a homebirth with a midwife:)

  7. @Liz: No babies last night, thank goodness!
    @Debbie: Hi! I'd love to hear your birth story, if you're sharing it!
    @Marilyn, Sue, Lori: Next time you're up, gimme a call!


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