Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Makes My Marriage Stronger?

I'm no authority on marriage.  But Cocoa over at Chocolate on the Cranium challenged her readers to list 3 things that make our marriage strong.

So here I go:

1. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  That is the foundation for my relationship with Mr Wonderful.
I value his person. I value his heart. His stuff. His weaknesses and strengths. When I married him, I did not look at him and think, "I can change him."  as I know many spouses do.  I accept him for all that he is, and together we have grown and improved ourselves.

2. Common Goals.  We want a happy, thriving, loving family. Our daily acts reflect that.  Whatever we do or do not do, benefits our family.  There's no room for selfishness in a marriage.  That's not that we don't each have personal goals or hobbies, but those things also fall in line with our goals.

3. Christ is in the Center of our Family. It is only with Him that we can be successful at all. The words I use to talk to my family reflect how I'm doing...I try to speak with love and kindness.  I am not perfect in that, but I'm getting better. 

To find about more about WHY I feel this way, go The Proclamation of the Family.

What about YOU?  What's essential in your marital bliss? 

p.s. and TRUST.  
p.p.s. and HUMOR
p.p.p.s. and Take-Out.


  1. Those are beautiful thoughts. I love how you put words.
    Don't you just LOVE the Proclamation?

  2. What a wonderful foundation for your marriage. You can never go wrong with Christ as the center of your family. What a blessing you are to your husband and family. We are so fortunate to have the Proclamation as a source of standards by which to live. There is no question where the Lord stands on this issue. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. @Sr. Egan: I do love the Proclamation!
    @Connie: Thanks for your kind comments! and the Award!

  4. I think mine would be: Partnership, Laughter, and Respect. There would be a lot of explaining behind each of those, of course. But I think that's where my heart settles.

  5. I'd say...talking (REALLY talking) daily, patience, and service. Take out DEFINITELY helps, too! :)

  6. I like your list.

    Mine would be shared goals and beliefs, commitment, and love of family (with humor and friendship being close fourth and fifth places).

  7. You're awesome and so is your husband.

    My marriage sucks right now, so I've got nothin' as far as marital bliss goes. Ugh!

    I love the Proclamation and it hangs on my fridge.

  8. I love the "A Proclamation to the World ! Whenever someone asks me about what we know and believe in our church, I like to share it with them.

    All that good stuff that you and everyone else said makes a good marriage, plus a good sex life and like mindedness about money !!!

  9. "Whatever we do or do not do, benefits our family." Love that!

    Did you get your journal yet? I know it was mailed the 18th.

  10. For me -

    It's knowing that, that other person is always there. I can count on him when I absolutely need that firm support.

    It's snuggling up on cold Utah nights, even when my hands and feet are like icicles and he warms them up for me. (don't think that ones in the proclamation anywhere:)

    It's calling each other on the phone at the same moment, but we're so frequently right on the same wave length. Don't know how that happens really . . . but it's so fun!

    Great post!


  11. Thanks everyone for your awesome comments!!! Marriage is awesome!


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