Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Open Letters to My People

SO I came across a FILE
with pics I hadn't seen...
which inspired these notes:

Dear Nana, Jennah, and Daisie:
What is this?
Why are you trying to look like escapees from a mental ward?

Dear Dani:
Did you notice Boofus' bunny ears?
And did you know you could bribe me of nearly everything I own,
just to hold the Ninja Baby?
Please bring him to see Granma this weekend.
I need my "ninja fix".
Dear Nana & Daisie:
You say you're sick of people comparing you?
I don't see it.

Dear Tisha:
Thanks for hanging out with the 14 yo
to help her organize her "accessories"...
you totally work the "Spice Girls" thing.
"Guhl Powah."
Dear Dean:
I love you.
Can't wait to see you this weekend.
You don't even have to drive.
I got it.

Dear David Scott and Tisha:
Please move to Colorado.
We miss you.

Dear Dara:
This is why you are not ready to date.
This, and the fact that you are not 16 yet.
But, I promise to whip this pic out
on your first date.

Dear Boofus:
Using your Lego hook to retrieve garlic bread
is something I hope you sell to the Olive Garden someday.
But for right now, at home,
you can just use your fingers.

Dear Caboose:
Please stop growing.
I don't want you to grow up and move away.
I'll miss your angel kisses too too much!
Stay little forever.
That's an order.

Dear Mr Wonderful:
Can you make it Summer yet?
I know there's four inches of snow in the yard,
but one word from you,
and it'd be gone.
I'm pretty sure of it.
Take me hiking
before I get old.
My bahooey and I thank you.
you make my world better.


p.s. Dear Mr. Idaho:
You are entirely too proper
for our Hee Haw Gang,
I couldn't find a single pic of
you being silly.
Are you ever silly?


  1. A lovely, lovely post!

    First... Nana and her fella... if he is to be hers... their smiles go together exactly right.

    Can't stop smiling about Dara's supermodel fanned hair photo shoot. Or about Boofus' sheer genious on how to snag the garlic bread.

    And your note to Mr. Wonderful just warms my heart...

  2. My girls love to make the supermodel pouty faces too. As long as they don't suscribe to a supermodel diet and dating rituals I am good with that. Love your blog and your brood.

  3. Great post. What a fun family! I've got a daughter who is deciding too.

  4. What great pictures!! A family after my own heart - making faces DO make the best pictures in the world!!

  5. These are great and really seem to capture the fun spirit of your family. And I agree with others that Nana and her maybe guy make a pretty cute pair!


  6. Love this! And how did your dr. appointment go?

  7. I love those!!!!! Cute pix of the family and hilarious comments from ya'll!
    Oh, how's Mr. Idaho workin' out? Cause it's dang cold and snowy and gray here. If he's from Idaho he's gotta be a REAL man.

  8. I love this and enjoyed all the pictures.

  9. Your notes made me giggle. When I see things like this it makes me think that I might just survive the teenage years.



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