Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

The weekend was busy
as always.

Friday afternoon,
I went with Nana to pick up her rental car.
Why does she have a rental car, you wonder?
Because her cute little red convertible,
her very first car,
was t-boned as she was coming out of our neighborhood.
She's a bit sore (seeing a Chiro for it)
and her little car is repairable.
The other driver was cited, she wants everyone to know.
Kelly and I worked on the house we're staging...
we were wondering what to do with the young boys' room...
it didn't have much personality
once we took their stuff off the walls--
we came across a Boy Scout picture (thx Nan!)
and using scout accessories,
it all came together.

Friday night,
Nan had the family over to her house
for Navajo tacos.
Ever had those?
Her recipe is easy-peasy:
Rhodes rolls...let them rise, then smash them with a tortilla press,
fry them until browned.
Top 'em off with all the tacos fixin's you like!
So yummy!

Saturday morning:
We got up early and had to
poop-scoop the yard
because the Scouts are doing a fundraiser
by aerating yards.
It was brrrr-freakin cold out,
and my fingers turned red and frozen,
but we got it done.
The Scouts didn't come.
Saturday morning,
was our breakfast with the missionaries.
Instead of a big meal,
we had Panera bread bagels, shmear
and topped 'em with red onion and tomatoes--YUM!
Served up with some scrambled eggs & juice.
I didn't take pictures of this Saturday breakfast.
I have yet to put up the pics from the last one!
*note to Self: do it!
Mr W took the youngest yahoos out to the YMCA
for a youth orientation
and swimming
while I
had to run over to the house we're staging
and take a peek at what the owners were doing--
they had a load of mulch delivered--
which is a necessity when your spring flowers
have yet to fully pop-up,
the yard is still mostly dormant,
and you need your yard to shine like a new penny!
Today is the last day of staging for that house
I think.
And it looks really great--
the realtor's sign goes in the yard tonight!
In this market,
you really need to stage your home
with attention to details--
with so many options
buyers can be picky.
So before that sign goes in your yard,
hire a Stager!

Okay, anywho--
Daisie had her bday party at a park--
the sun came out and the kids had a good time
there playing baseball, frisbee, etc.,
then they came to the house for pizza and a movie,
"Blind side"...
a totally awesome movie!
I cried. O my goodness.

we went to our new Ward.
Before we left the house,
I was feeling those feelings of
"What if?"--
What if we're uncomfortable?
What if we don't fit?
What if, What if, What if if if???

Once inside the Chapel
there were many familiar faces
and friends.
We found our place where we always sit--
on the front row--
open and waiting for us.

Bishop S. came over and greeted us
as an old friend,
as did a few others.
As soon as the meeting started,
I had a peace come over me
that just felt so right.
We are home.
Our family is going to be fine, ya know?
I knew that,
well, I hoped that,
and now,
I know it.
That's one of the most peculiar things about
going to the LDS church.
We don't pick our Wards--
we can go to a particular building
be in a particular congregation for years,
and to accomodate growth,
that can all change,
new boundaries are set
new callings extended,
and we don't skip a beat.
We all show up,
ready to build a new ward family
and do our part.
Can you think of any other 500 + persons organization
that matches that?
Pretty amazing.

Okay, and I have to share my ridiculous-ness--
In the woman's meeting,
Relief Society,
they had everyone stand and introduce themselves
and share a tidbit.
Well, I was on the last row
and was busy writing notes about each woman
next to her name
so I could remember her--
(I'm terrible with names),
then it was my turn--
I stood and this is what I said,
"I'm Dawn. I'm also a convert. I...I have a hot husband. Six, no, seven kids.
My husband and I serve as the Stake Single Adult Reps--so if you're single, let me know! Hmmm..I"m a doula and a home stager.  Oh! and I'm glad to be here!"

Can you believe I said I have a hot husband?  Sheesh.  Someone shoulda put a cork in me.
It's Monday and another busy day lay ahead.
Spring is buzzing by
and the yahoos will be on Summer Break before I know it!

I've been on the South Beach diet
and I've lost 10 lbs. already...
so easy, really.
Just putting that out there for any of you who are looking
for a sane diet,
this seems to be it
for me.

Okay, that's all I got today!

Have a super week!


  1. What's wrong with having a hot husband? I have one! ;)

  2. Poor Nana. :( Hope she feels better soon.

    I have the same worry whenever we move into a new ward or get new boundaries. But then I always feel at home in no time. The church is wonderful.

    Stinkin' scouts. At least the dog poo is picked up.

    Blind Side is on my list of shows I want to see.

    I never heard of stagers before. That is really neat.

    I love that you took notes of the sisters in Relief Society as they introduced themselves. Good idea.

    And I love how you introduced yourself. hehe

  3. I think all ladies in RS should know you have a hot husband....they are going to look for him now just to see if you were lyin'!
    Cute, I would have laughed!
    Glad you are almost done with the staging. Sounds like a lot of work.

    I lost 53 pounds on the SBD 6 years ago. I never felt so good. Good for you, you will love it.

  4. Your poor daughter and her car. It just isn't meant to be I guess. (Although she may still disagree).

    I'm trying those navajo tacos- brings back memories of BYU (although I hear they no longer have the restaurant that sold them) :(

    At least you told everyone you're attracted to your husband still!

  5. I always do best on a low carb diet, too...not no-carb, but low carb. i pretty much do my own thing on it, but it's similar to South Beach. Plenty of healthy protein, and I only use veggies and fruit for my carbs.

    It's always hard starting again in a new ward, but you're right. It soon becomes the "old" ward, and then you're right at home again. I do love your attitude about it. (And I loved your RS intro, too.)



  6. I love your weekend wrap ups- it makes me feel like we're neighbors talking and catching up over the fence

  7. I didn't know you did house staging - that is super cool! I think that would be a fun job. And you are right, with the way the housing market is every house needs it.

    I laughed my head off about your hot husband. That would have been the greatest! It's good that you got that right out there so all the ladies know that he's taken! You are great!! I wish I had the nerve to say stuff like that.

    And your daughters poor car. Dang why does that always happen to someone who has saved and bought their first cute car. I hope Nana will be fine and that the car will be good as new once it's fixed. What a bummer. I'm glad the other driver got cited.

    Good luck on the South Beach diet - I've known people who have had great success on it - sounds like you are on your way!

  8. Good for you on the hot husband! I think we LDS need to be really clear about avoiding pornography (the negative) but be really up front that there is nothing wrong and everything good about being attracted to our spouses! And I'll bet it got everyone's attention

  9. @Braden: One thing's fer sure, the sisters won't forget me! lol
    @Cherie: I love staging! The transformations are so fantastic! And my "hot husband" comment got a huge laugh. I'm such a dork. Thx for the diet encouragement!
    @Lisa: I feel the same way! Love Lauren's blog about her engagement! Sahweet!
    @Sue: Glad to see you're back!
    @Charlotte: Let me know how your tacos turn out! And poor Nana is right. She's learning alot of things so she is ready for the next phase of her life: wife and mother. This stuff will look like a vacation comparatively, don't you think? lol
    @Egan: That's great! How long did it take you to lose it?
    @Nikki: I'm thinking that's how I'll introduce myself at the CBC..."Hi I'm Momza and I have a hawt husband. H-A-W-T."
    @heather: Yea! for hawt hubbys!

  10. Oh, Dawn...I am still giggling! So, what did Mr. Hot say when you told him of your introduction?

    Hope Nana is feeling soreness. I actually think a minor accident or so at first, makes kids better drivers in the long run. It makes them realize how quickly something can happen. Thankful she wasn't hurt bad.

    Have a great week, my friend!

  11. @Prairiemaid: He chuckled, shook his head and chuckled some more.
    Nana is sore. But you're right, I think she has learned alot from this experience.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. GASP!! a hot husband?!?! I LOVE it!!! I'm happy to hear it was only the car that had major ouchies.

    I've been through a reorganziation where they dissolved our ward. It was a strange feeling to stand up and hear them release us all at once.It is an amazing process though...don't you think?!


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