Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CBC: What to Say to Me

I'm packing today to leave
for the Casual Bloggers Conference
that's happening this weekend.

My BFF4VR, Nan is coming with me
so I don't change my mind once I get to
Grand Junction
and turn tail n' run back home.
Plus, she wants a little va-cay from her
and a trip to IKEA
and ALSO to go to some place that
sells food storage stuff that is supposed to be
A W E S O M E.

I fully support her in this
because I have about thirty minutes of food storage
and she only lives a mile from me,
so I know where I'll be headed
should the world come to an end
and I'm hungry.

And IKEA??
That's a no-brainer, right?
I've only been to the IKEA in Houston,
where I drooled up and down aisles
the length of NFL playing fields.
I'd go to Utah for IKEA alone.
No kidding.

But the real reason we're heading to the
West side of the Rockies
is for the CBC.
I want it known that I have absolutely
NO Expectations.
It'll be fun to meet the women on the other side
of their blogs, right?
That and the fact that I won't have to
make dinner
do laundry
or run errands
for 5 days
makes me so happy I could weep tears of joy!
Being the kind-hearted nurturer that I am,
 I just want to give some prompts for those
who're wondering what they might say to me
upon meeting my Momza-self--

so here goes:
 What To Say to Momza:
1- Do you know where your cellphone is? ( i'm always leaving it somewhere)
2-Is it turned on?(It's never ON)
3- Check your messages while I stand here.(My familia will thank you)
4- Did you take your meds today?(I need to be reminded. daily.)
5- Are you sure?(Nope. thanks!)

Things To Know:
I'm an Open Book.
You can ask me anything about anyone.
If I remember it, I'll share.
I love Hot Tamales, MilkDuds, Italian sodas, & ferrero roche chocolates.
I am not tech-savvy.
I'm a Granma.
I love a good conversation.
I'm not from Utah.
I'm a convert.
I started blogging to keep in touch with friends and family.
I am always amazed that anyone reads a word I say.

So that's it!


  1. Can't wait to meet you Momza! And I'm totally going to bring you some milkduds.

  2. Well, I'm excited to meet you. I'll have to remember the list of questions to ask you.
    I'm quite nervous about the whole thing. I've NEVER done anything like this. Totally outta character for me.
    I'm driving with a blogger friend I haven't met.
    It is going to be fun.
    See ya there.

  3. I'm so sad that I don't get to go now! Sigh. I'm reading everyone's postings about CBC and its making me really sad! Have a great time for me.

  4. Hope you take lots of pictures, Dawn. I can't wait to see/hear all about it!



    Have fun and take lots of pictures to share with those of us who will be sitting home and sobbing because we can't be there.

    Seriously, have fun, you deserve it.

  6. @MommyJ: I thought of you this afternoon when I was buying treats for my trip...Milkduds?--nope, MommyJ is bringin those! lol
    @Egan: This is why we are furrends...I am totally outta my element in this adventure!
    @Stacy: NEXT YEAR!!!!
    @Sue: I really wish you were coming. So much.
    @Connie: If it's worth going to, I'll let you know so you can plan next year!! FO SHO! Also, love your new craft room!!!!

  7. Great post. I love what you wrote about your food storage plan. I wish I was going!!! Have a good time.


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