Monday, May 24, 2010

Day Trippin' with a Carload of Yahoos

We had our first warm weekend and after a long and wild winter,
we were ready to GO!  
Since David Scott is here, we went to HIS favorite place
over in Buena Vista, Colorado
to do some fishing on the Arkansas River.
The Idaho family came down from Golden, Friday night
so we could get a headstart first thing
Saturday morning.
Mr. W was right though,
we didn't get outta the house until 9:57AM.
He only gloated a little.

When we got less than five miles outta Buena Vista,
we had a kink in our day--
Dani's car died.
Her fuel pump. Did you know that if your fuel pump dies, your will lose power to your car?
As in, no power steering or power brakes?
Gratefully, Mr. Idaho was driving and was able to pull the car over safely.
They had the car towed into town--
dropping me and the yahoos off a park in town,
so Mr W and Mr Idaho could run to another town, Salida,
to pick up a fuel pump and bring it back to the car repair shop in BV.

This is at the Park in Buena Vista.
Bruce Lee, no kiddin'!

Nana let baby G lick her funny.  This little guy thinks he is ready for solids, but nope--he's got a while before that.  The weather there was great but super windy.
David Scott kickin' it.

The silly Golden Child
Two yahoos being very patient.

Three hours later and several hundreds of dollars, we were back in the car, with a time-adjustment needed, we changed our plans and went to Cottonwood Lake, only 6 miles outta town to do our fishing.  So Daisie learned to hook her own worm....there was much "ewwwww!-ing and Grosssss-ing" but she did it!
If you're wondering if your ready to teach your child to fish, check THIS OUT.

She did it!

The Caboose is ready to wet a line too!

Wherever David Scott was, the Boofus followed...

because it was so windy, we had to keep the Golden child in the car..which Nana didn't mind because her enthusiasm for the trip dropped sometime during the 3 hour wait and she was car sick. 
The Aspens are just barely waking up from winter.
See that path on the left?
If you follow that path and keep walking forever,
you'll get to the spot where everyone else jumped outta the car
and ran to go fish!
Mr Idaho said it was just what he needed after the car experience.
Four casts brought up 3 fish!
His life got exponentially better and as he said,
"The sun came out and I was a better man!"

At the end of the day, we went a small place for dinner called, Pizza Works. Baby G was all over the table, ready for his own slice of pizza. 

If you ever go to Buena Vista for anything, or even if you're just driving thru--pull over and go eat there!
DELICIOUS!!  It was more than enough pizza ( we ordered 3- 20 inch-ers--yikes!) and it was awesome!

We filled our tummies and headed back home to the Springs...
plum.wore.out. and then some.

Then, because we're no quitters,
we got up yesterday morning,
and headed up to 
Deckers, Colorado.

We've been coming to this exact camping spot since's definitely a favorite!

  Daisie borrowed Dad's waders...and no more worms on this part of the South Platte River...strictly flies and lures.

And that's where she stayed the entire afternoon!

Dani wet a line too. All of us did.
Fishing is so relaxing, ya know?

Mr. Idaho and David Scott and the Boofus went
 on a "death march"(according to DS and J) of a hike to another fishin' hole where
  Mr. Idaho caught a nice brown trout and thought it was a successful trip.

The Caboose tired of fishing, 
so spent some time scrambling around on rocks
 and peeking thru binoculars hoping to see more wildlife.

And that's the first of many day trips we'll take this summer.
Camping will begin in two weeks--

Are you thinking about packin' up 
YOUR yahoos
and camping?
Here, let me encourage you!

Now, get going!
FREE DAYS  click there : FEE FREE


  1. Yep, my family has a trip or two planned, as usual. (I'm liking John Denver right now...)


  2. That is some seriously beautiful country you're playing in!!!


  3. Love the new blog look. Gorgeous pictures. Big bummer about the car. Those kinds of trips that don't go as planned can be the best.

  4. that last pic looks like Amy Dott Harmer Design...she's my cousin btw:)

  5. Good for you, still fishing after all the car drama. I think I may have just given up and gone back home!

  6. Sorry, you spent three hours waiting to get the car repaired. Life is full of surprises and opportunities!

    Colorado is so beautiful and man does that pizza look good, or what?!

    And let me add, your grandson is one precious doll!


  7. Minus the car problems it looks like you are having so much fun!! What beautiful country! I hope the weather holds out for you. I heard it snowed this morning in Utah.

  8. That pizza made me really hungry! Looks like a super fun day. Great memories, I'll bet

  9. @Braden: The best kind of memories!
    @Lori/Joy: No snow here! I kinda love Co.
    @Prairie: I like "life is full of surprises and opportunities--that's a positive look at what comes our way! Pizza was so dang good! Thanks for noticing the awesome-ness of Baby G! We're all smitten with him. 100%.
    @Charlotte: Well, if we hadn't been in the car for two hours, we might have given up, but we were too far from home and too close to fishing~!
    @Damsel: Grabba a pole and come on over!
    @Carissa: I just got this off BING...have no idea who did it but it's way cute. Did you know I have your Granma's art framed in our house? I do!
    @Lisa: I think it's called making Lemonade outta Lemons! lol
    @Egan: Seriously! It was! and yes, COlorado is a purty nice place to be in the summer.
    @Sue: I have gone to one "pop" concert in my life--it was to see John Denver--and he was gracious afterwards too.


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