Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Come On In!

It's May 12th.
Do you see what's on the ground?
The yahoos were hopin' for a snow day today--
for the record,
I was not
hopin' for a snow day~

~The clouds are so low
that you can't see the Rampart Range
like normal,
but it's right there~

~Our rainy night
turned icy.
We were told we could
end up with a foot of snow-
so freakin' glad we didn't!

~So I was taking pictures of outside
and on a whim decided to
click some inside pics
of some details of my house~


~I like bringing the outdoors In,
so I have the yahoos go out and cut some pine pieces for me
to put in a vase--
they last a long time
smell great
and they're

I just painted last week--
I'll post before an afters
when I'm all done--
but for now,
the walls are Sherwin Williams "wheatgrass" color
( did you know Dutch Boy from Walmart
is the same exact paint as Sherwin Williams?
 It is, and it's cheaper!)
and the brown is Dutch Boy's
"Chocolate Truffle"
I love it.
The hole in the wall
is too narrow to place a TV in it,
so I found the gorgeous fern
and there ya go.~

I have found the fabric I want to make floor to ceiling curtains from--
Waverly makes it,
so I'll make those next week probably.
I looked EVERYWHERE for the right fabric
and finally decided on one.
Do your kids hate fabric stores as much as mine do?
Hey, if I have to go to the Toy Aisle,
for the billion-th time,
they can go with me to JoAnns.

I have a thing for pinecones.
I would have to seek professional counselling
to find out why
but I'm not really concerned
about my obsession
that much
to know the answer.

One of my fav art peices from Dani
before her mission--
there's actually a story behind this--
wanna hear it?
If not, just skip this part to the next picture.
So Dani was thinking about going on a mission--
and we were having a Missionary Fireside
at our home,
at the end of the fireside,
different folks were sharing their testimonies,
and Dani stood and shared hers,
and at the end,
she announced that she'd turned in her mission papers.
Sucha sweet surprise!
Then, on Christmas eve that year,
she presented me with this beautiful picture.

Say What plate on the fridge

Pot Roast for tonight.
I don't wanna cook
because when Mr W gets home,
I'm going to my first ever
ZUMBA class at the YMCA!
I am so stinkin excited to try it!
I love to move it move it!

~Flowers I received on Mother's Day
from Daisie~

One of my Mother figurines...
I've had this

So that's it for today.
I've got things to do
places to go
people to see!

Have a Great Day!
I hope it's not snowing where you are!!


  1. I loved seeing pics of your home. Sorry about the freeze there. Big bummer. But how can you be sad if you're gonna Zumba?

  2. Nope, not snowing in AZ. But it has to be ugly farther north because it's been so gorgeous here. So gorgeous. I need to remember today when it's 116 this summer.
    And I loved the photo tour. The red trees are beautiful. And can't wait to see the finished FR. Is that the new loveseat?

  3. Beautiful home!
    No snow here in Idaho, but dang it's cold and windy.

  4. okay M..
    I too got the white stuff..
    and posted all about it..
    not a happy camper..
    but am thankful for the moisture..
    and besides..
    this is Colorado..
    snow here today..
    if not gone by tomorrow..
    surely the 70's on Friday..
    will make it disappear!
    warmest hugs.. laughing smiles..

  5. Nashville would have much preferred snow to the flooding we got! Your house is lovely and that pot roast looks really good!!!

  6. beautiful! i love the way you have decorated! so cute! - jess sherwood anderson

  7. wow, THANKS for the tour, I love the saying on the plate...(thinking a great Mom-izm)

  8. Loved the little glimpse into your home! I was worried we were going to wake up to snow this morning. Thankfully, just some rain. But I gotta say, I'm so ready for the warmth!

  9. Loved the tour! Let us know how the Zumba is...I've heard a lot about that lately.


    PS. I like the fern in the old TV spot...and I am a nut for pine cones too. And rocks.

  10. Beautiful home! I love your style! My mom has that same mother figurine. :)

  11. It was fun to see some of the details of you house!

    Snow though...ICK!

    We are finally warming up around here...finally! It is supposed to be 80 all weekend - Yahoo! Hope the sun finds you too.

  12. Great photos! Yes, we had more snow on Monday! About 6"! Everyone here is so done with it and ready for spring! I love the paint colors...I think I'm going to use them in my bathroom. And I love a paint color that sounds good enough to eat! My livingroom color was "Butter". Yum. And my thoughts are with you as you care for your dad. I feel for you!

  13. The snow makes me feel a little sick. The house pictures, however, look wonderful and made me feel better. I like the quote on the plate.

  14. I LOVE your detail photos. Great idea-I'll probably steal it. Sorry you're having snow. We're most definitely not but enjoying the break from the heat.....

  15. that's why I love shopping Etsy and for my fabric:) all the best ones!


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