Monday, May 3, 2010

NieNie...Lifting where she stands...

I don't know Stephanie Nielsen.  I first heard about her and her husband, soon after I began blogging and after their plane accident.  Now, I see her often in places I didn't expect her--on Oprah and the Today Show for example.  I don't know her, but I love her. 
Nie Nie is a member of the same church I am.  And this video is now available on You Tube.  Take a moment and soak her goodness will make you smile and hug your loved ones much tighter today.


  1. She is such a hero of mine. Thanks. I hadn't seen this yet.


  2. That was beautiful. I hadn't seen that before, but I've followed Nie for a long time.

    I see you are going to the CBC! I hope I get to meet you.

  3. She is amazing. Thanks for posting this. I am always so inspired by her.

  4. Thanks for posting that! She is my hero and such an inspiration!


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