Friday, May 21, 2010

Thar's a Bear in Them Thar Woods!

No kidding.
The yahoos had a lockdown yesterday
because there was a bear two doors down from their school.

Their response when I picked them up??

Ahhh Colorado...another reason I love it.


  1. Very cool indeed.

    The weblog looks great!!!

  2. @Lisa: I know, hunh? lol
    @sarah: thank you! have a super weekend!

  3. I think I will stop complaining about the skunk in my backyard. At least skunks won't eat ME.

  4. A couple of years ago our entire area - 6 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, 2 high schools - went into lockdown because a mountain lion was running around! Animal control caught up with it in my stake president's back yard!

  5. We've had deer at our school but no bears! No wonder there was a lock down and no wonder your kiddos said, "cool!"

  6. YIkes!!! Your blog looks great! Thanks for taking care of David this week! Sounds like you guys are busy having lots of fun!

  7. Yep, you live in the wild and wooly state.



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