Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On the Way to Casual Bloggers Conference

One of the most fanstastic perks of living in Colorado Springs
is watching the Thunderbird Air Show
each year for the
Air Force Academy graduation.
And it just so happens that
we have a pretty good view from our deck:

Which explains why I was an hour late leaving for my 
New Scary Adventure
The Casual Bloggers Conference
Sandy, Utah...
which, for the record,
isn't really sandy at all,
but from the humongous amounts of traffic
is more like Asphalt, Utah.

But I digress...
I got my bahooey into the car
and headed West with my sweet BFF, Nan.
As you know, my memory likes to play 
with me
so to be safe,
Nan--an avid Non-Blogger,
volunteered to be my escort.

Southern Utah was especially colorful
this spring--

 I just couldn't get over the colorful desert flowers along the way...
 So I made Nan pull over so I could get a closer look...
 Ahhhhh...so beautiful!  We talked about the 3 L's....
Life, Little Yahoos, and Laundry along the way. 
Isn't it amazing how you never run out of things to talk 
about with a good friend?
It was really great to just have some time away from la familia
to think, ponder and pray.
We laughed our guts out,
sang with Lady Antebellum,
got a little choked up at times too.
Good friends are the best.


Okay, so besides the CBC,
big on our To-Do-List
IKEA (did you just hear angels sing too?).
We don't have IKEAs here in Colorado,
so that was a MUST-DO.
We walked around there for 
two and a half hours!
No kidding.
It was Retail Therapy like none other.
Loved. It.
 Is this lamp not the coolest thing??  
I have no idea where I'd hang it,
but if someone gave it to me,
I'd find a place, no doubt.
 More Lamps...I think I have a "thing" for lamps.
Is there a support group for Lamp Addictions?
"Hi, I'm Momza and I am addicted to Lighting."

IKEA is so freaking huge,
it could have it's own Zipcode.
  After my puppies were plum.wore.out,
and my pocketbook too,
we bid adieu to IKEA and headed over to the
The Casual Blogger Conference:
 You know these women.
I was overcome with shock and awe that they knew me too.


At Teresa Collin's Girls Night Out,
we were treated to mini-massages--
Nan was almost in pure bliss during hers--
the only thing that woulda made it better
was if she had someone rubbing her feet
and a Diet Pepsi.
Seriously though,
it was a well-planned event;
so much to do and the people were super too.
A trip to Utah
is incomplete without a trip to
 I had their Pork Barbacoa Salad...delicioso!! I could only eat half of it, but even writing this, my mouth is watering and wishin' I had the rest of it!  
 When Nan travels, she knows how to travel in style--
a pedicure is always on the menu...
and she treated me to one too!
 I've said this before, but it's so true, I'm repeating it: 
The worst part about getting a pedicure is
 that you have to STAND UP and WALK OUT afterwards.  
 Cheesy Nan


We stayed with the Sharps in Pleasant Grove.
I could write a whole blog just about the evenings we spent with them.
 We met Mr.Elder Sharp while he was a missionary in England.  He was one of the elders that taught MR. W the discussions.  We are keeping Mr. Elder Sharp for eternity.  His wife Sarah is his perfect companion. We LOVE her to infinity and beyond.  And don't even get me started on their precious family. Sweet. Scrumptious. Serious. 

While there, Sarah introduced me to Body Bugg...and I am loving it! There's a whole 'nother blog on that coming soon.  
Sarah also introduced me to Dawn Weidauer, a professional make-up/hair stylist.  Dawn works in Media Make-up and has a Who's Who List in her bag.  Dawn is preparing to launch another blog aimed at everyday folk like me where she does makeovers and uses step-by-step instructions to teach us how to look like a billion bucks on any budget.  I gladly became her first Makeover.  I don't have pics of this, but let me assure you, tons were taken, and will be posted on her new blog when she's ready to launch it.  
I really wondered what Dawn could do with an old hen like me.  I wasn't expecting much, honestly.  But, for the record, when she was finished, I felt beautiful.  Like, prettier than I've felt in a long time.  
Dawn is a miracle worker!
 So this is the Sharp Family.
Well, most of them.
Their son, B. was off to play with a friend,
and Dawn's son, L. was there playing with blondie Mr. T,
so I told L. to stand in "proxy" for B. for the photo.
But the rest of the gang are 100% Sharps.
 Sarah introduced me to OOBEES--
We went to the OOBEES outlet...
got all the girls some for $8 a pr.
Total hit at home!!
Thanks Sarah!

And that's just Part Uno for the CBC trip.
I have so mucho-much to share,
the rest will be on tomorrow!


  1. It was fun meeting you and Nan.
    Looks like you had a great time. Retail therapy YES!

  2. Well you had me at the Thunderbirds, and then it just kept getting better from there! Wow! I can't wait to see your makeover, and I want some of those awesome slippers!

  3. I love Ikea. And Cafe Rio. And the CBC. And meeting wonderful people like you!

  4. Please take the cheesy picture of me off your blog, or I won't take you to the CBC next year.... ha ha LOL Love ya, NAN

  5. What a great photo journey! I love those jets. And I thought Nan was delightful too. How fun that you two could take a little girl trip together.

  6. Don't leave me hanging like this. Just tell your family to wing it for a couple of more days so you can sit and blog about your trip, I'm sure they won't mind.

    I sooooooo want to go next year.

    Huh hmmmm, why are there no pictures of you?

  7. It's fun getting in on this trip vicariously. Can't wait to hear the rest...


  8. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing?
    Where are the pictures of you??

    You know Tauna, so YOU must be cool.
    I met her too.
    She is a doll.
    I wanted to see if I saw you in passing maybe.
    It could have happen.

    Anyhoo, CBC was the BEST.
    I'm going there NEXT year for SURE.


  9. awww... how did I miss chatting it up with a Colorado Springs girl?? I miss Colorado - at least, I miss it when it's over 90 degrees in the shade down here :)

  10. Sounds like an awesome trip. Must do a bloggy conference sometime, complete with pedicures.

  11. ha ha ... why is it called Sandy? never thought of that. Sounds like a great time - looking forward to more and really looking forward to the makeover blog- sounds like a great one to add to my stalk list!!!

  12. @UtahJenny: Sometimes I wonder about weird things, hunh? The CBC was great. Come next year!
    @Amy: You come sit by me, Sister. I'll take care of you!
    @T: Ever wanna visit CO just let me know!
    @OCB: I saw you all over the place--laughing and chatting up everyone, so I know you had a great time! It's people like you that made it a success!
    @Sue: Next year. Fo sho.
    @Connie: There are pics of me on other blogs--but the ones of the makeover are owned by Dawn the stylist. I shoulda taken some of me--just forgot.
    @Kazzy: So nice to meet you and your ring!
    @Sarah: Ditto.
    @MommyJ: Meeting you was a highlight for me. Hugs to you and your sister.
    @Moody: The girls love their slippers!
    @Tauna: You were the 1st to recognize me--and that made me feel great!!


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