Monday, May 31, 2010

Artist Nathan Sharp Giveaway!

~Momma's Boys~

To Start this week off right,
I am WAY excited to host a 

~Dawn's Early Light~

Nathan Sharp is a man with an obvious talent.  He's also a father of six yahoos. And he is just starting out with marketing his obvious talent.  So to kick off his wildly successful future career,  get his yahoos off to college and take his hard-working wife to Hawaii someday (I made that part up; I have no idea if she wants to go to Hawaii, but being a Momza to 7 yahoos myself, I think she probably deserves a vacation!)--
ANYWHO--Nathan is inviting my Follow Follow Me readers to enter his giveaway.
The Deal:
1- Follow Follow Me.
2- Go over to Nathan Sharp Studios
3. Check out his Gallery 
4. Leave your CHOICE of an 8x10 in my COMMENTS section.*
5. Tell your Readers about the Giveaway too, if you want to share something awesome with them!
6. Giveaway Deadline Entry is Friday, June 11th, 2010 9pm SHARP
7. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy, RIGHT?

Thanks to Eric and Sarah for introducing me to their hard-working, obviously talented brother, Nathan!

*Make sure your choice is available in the 8x10 size.  Some are not.
*p.s. Nathan received special permission from President Monson to distribute his likeness--President Monson requested ten copies for his personal use.  So how stinkin' cool is that? Way!


  1. What an amazing artist.

    I love them all but especially the little cowboy print, so adorable.

    I am already a follower and am headed over to check out Nathan's studio.

    Thanks for doing this giveaway.

  2. Cool giveaway!

    September Morning for me, and I already follow. Duh.


  3. I just love Home Sweet Home!!! Love his stuff!!!
    Thought I already was a follower...guess it was on my to do list. Done!

  4. I'm coming clean! I have been following your inspiring and hilarious blog for a while now, I love your insights into motherhood and life. I am one of Mr. Idaho's aunts, his mom is my hubby's (John) oldest sister. While I have never met Dani I have heard nothing but wonderful things about her, I have always thought Mr. Idaho was a great guy and would find someone equally wonderful!
    I am glad you are doing this giveaway, I knew Nathan Sharp in Evanston, Wyoming and we were in the MTC together. I had no idea he was so talented and seeing his artwork actually brought me to tears!
    I guess I need to update my blog and tell my readers, if they are still out there, about this!!
    I would love a President Monson picture for my 4 yahoos to look at! Thanks-Hillary

  5. @Mom: Dani is here this summer while Mr. Idaho is in TX for an she knows exactly who you are! The church makes the world smaller, doesn't it? We met Nathan's brother, Eric on his mission, and Dani met Mr. Idaho on their mission! Blogs are similar in that respect--they make the world smaller. Nice to meet you!

  6. @Julie: Welcome! So glad you came over!

  7. @Sue & Connie: Pass the word along! I hope we get alot of exposure for this obviously talented artist!


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