Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trampoline plus Water plus Yahoos = equals Cool Fun

Did ya notice that the hose is tied to the banister with a YO-YO?
Don't you just love the ingenuity of kids?
I know I do!!

We don't need no stinkin' swimsuits!

Does it look like a free-for-all?

Look Ma!
It's Superman...


  1. Looks like such a fun time! Kids really know how to have fun!

  2. I love the yo-yo! That's excellent problem-soliving skills there! My kids put a sprinkler under the trampoline for their water/jumping fun. I'm sure yours have been there done that too. And I love Superman! What a great picture!

  3. Very inventive kids you've got there...


  4. the mom in me is trying VERY hard to appreciate the fun and not worry about the risk at all... me neurotic? okay, fine - I'm neurotic :) Glad I wasn't there to freak out and put a damper on their fun :)

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last shot!!!! What FUN!

  6. This is what my kids do all summer long. It's the greatest!!
    We don't have the net thingy (we are dangerous like that) so the big boys (the 14 year olds) play dodgeball - they play for hours - dodgeball with the water.
    I didn't have one of these growing up - too fun!

  7. We left our trampoline behind in NC and haven't been able to get one here in our rental. It will be the first thing I buy when we finally get a house of our own. Whenever I see posts about them I remember how much we miss having one.

  8. @Charlotte: This is our 3rd one...first one was left in AZ when I divorced; 2nd one was given to our neighbors in ID when we moved back to CO; and the 3rd is a gift from neighbors who are moving.
    @Cherie: Isn't it great to wear out the kids??
    @Liz: I need to have this copied and sent to his mama.
    @T: I used to worry--not so much anymore, as you see.
    @Sue: the future of America right there!
    @Moody: we turn on the sprinklers too!
    @Tauna: I guess I owe a debt of gratitude to the kids for keeping me young...gotta keep up with them.


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