Friday, July 23, 2010

The Reality of my Summer Days

 No trips to the Land of Disney,
with its castles and princess beauties,
or sailing on Bear Lake
with blow-up tubes and bathing cuties,
No beaches,
No national monuments--
we won't see Mount Rushmore again
this year,
No resorts on sandy coastlines,
No Hawaiian Tropics
or tan lines on my rear.
No cabana boys named "Luis"  or "Juan" or "Ramon",
No lengthy trips to Granma's house
to show her how we've grown.

Our summer days are flyin by
at playing in the park:
laying on a blanket
tossing Frisbees until dark,
playing fetch with the dog
and catching sunfish at the pond,
playing MadLibs at the table
a game we are so fond!

I try my creative mommy-powers,
Bribing my yahoos
to speak kind words
for twenty-five cents an hour,
No more
"you're stupid"
"he started it--not me!"
I want a home to be filled with love,
I'll pay for it
if needs be!
I put my offer on the table,
only to be told by
the Boofus,
that he'd be more than able
and much less sour
if I upped the anty to
five bucks an hour!

The closer to August the calendar rolls,
the more inclined I feel,
 to feed my family
cold cereal
for every single meal--
Lucky Charms, anyone?

Laundry is the one relief
my lazy summer brings--
the yahoos sleep in playclothes
and rarely change a thing.
Their drawers are filled all nicely
smoothe and folded over,
looking even dreamier than
Jane Austen's cliffs of Dover.

I try to care,
I really do,
but then again,
I'm lazy--
it's summertime and before we know it,
the laundry will get crazy!
School shirts and  school pants and school socks
all in my path,
I'll save my efforts for the days ahead
when kids need baths
and shampooed heads!
When flip flops are shoved deep under the bed
and blankets are dragged
to the breakfast table while little mouths
are being fed.
But for right now,
this day
right here,
I'll close my eyes
pretend I don't care.

I'll plan trips
around the mountains
we call "home"...
Drag the yahoos,
hike the Crags
and  rocky trails
we will roam.
No need for rental cars
or reservations,
the trails belong to us--
Grab a water bottle,
pack some nutty mix,
lace your boots and kick the dust!

So share your pics of
all your travels--
the hotels and sand bars,
the yummy eats and Mouseketeer ears,
your run-ins with the stars--
I'll read 'em all,
every one.
I'll smile at all your faces,
your sunburns and all your buddies
ooh and ahh at all the places.

I'll go grab my yahoos
a jelly samich in a pack,
and head out to our vacay spots,
search my pockets for five bucks.


  1. Exactly how I feel about summer this year! Sometimes I think it just feels great to be home because other years are soooo packed!!

  2. So true!! We just got back from Colorado!! It is so nice there. It finally got cooler. My two youngest are in the Springs right now visiting their older sister. So--we all want to be where you are!!

    And about laundry. I know what you mean--I enjoy the summer much more than the school year!

    I also still have your little gift from NZ. I am just so lazy about going to the post office in this heat!! (That and I have been in and out of town for the past couple weeks) I have not forgotten about it though and will get it to you soon. Promise!!


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