Sunday, August 8, 2010

My WANT List

From the moment you conceive a child,
you begin the business of sharing whatever you have--
while pregnant,
you take on a tenant of sorts
who shares your body,
 then begins to dictate what you will
and will not
eat, and etcetera!

Then the real sharing gets into gear
when that little baby is born--
you make the choice to continue to share your body
if you're nursing that child,
you sacrifice your good clothes,
and high heels,
cute purses are exchanged for
diaper bags,
And we're not even going to talk about

Once baby can walk and talk,
you begin sharing whatever you're eating.
They can't help it--
even if there is the same exact entree on their
little tupperware plate,
they want yours.
If you have a drink,
they'll ask for it too.
Seriously, you share everything
twenty-four seven
for alot of years.

What's yours is only yours
until they declare

And you'd think it would stop
once they're teenagers--
I don't know about your house,
but in my house
is just ain't so!
"Mom, can I borrow your earrings--the special ones?"--
meaning the diamonds of course.
"Mom, can I borrow the car?"
"Mom, will you share your special chocolate with me? It looks so good."
"Mom, is it alright that I borrowed your blow-dryer? I lent mine to so-and-so
and she hasn't given it back yet."

Honestly, there comes a point
where I just stopped buying
"special things"
just for me,
and this is going to sound just awful
but it's the truth--
I didn't want something neat
if I was just going to have to share it.

But guess what, chicken-butt?
I have a LIST--
a big fat WANT LIST--
-my own Nalgene bottle
-my own flashlight-
-my own pair of super-sharp scissors
-my own camelback/backpack
-my own laptop
-my own small fridge in my room FOR
-my own chocolate milk
-my own car--I drive a Big honkin' Suburban because I used to haul alot
of yahoos around, and occassionally, I still do,
I'm really jonesing a small car like a
Chrysler 300
Ford Fusion
Toyota Camry--
and no kids allowed in with fruit snacks or McDonald's fries.

And this is just the beginning.
I want
I want
I want
for cryin' outloud,
my own camping chair...
the kind that reclines and has a little pillow on it
and two for my nalgene bottle
and one for chocolate milk.

What about Your Want List?
What's On It?


  1. I want my very own bathroom with all the pots and potions I want on the shelves with extra large white fluffy towels and luxurious bath goodies. No one else is allowed to enter - EVA!

  2. Nothing on your list is outrageous or even excessive and I think that you should post this as it is a great list for the yahoos to draw from when purchasing Christmas gifts (yes, it is coming up). The Fridge in your room is a brilliant thing as I have one in my room and I keep it constantly stocked with water from Costco (my favorite). As far as the camping chair thing, lets face it, there will always be someone sitting in it when you need a place to land (personal experience) so it is almost a waste of space to add it to your list. But a girl can dream, can't she?

  3. I've already been able to turn in my Dodge Caravan for a smaller car, and that day was a good one!

    In fact, my list of wants has been indulged for several years now, ever since my kids left home for wider horizons.

    But I still remember some of the main items on that own Bose player, for one. And back in the day, my own CDs that they wouldn't be borrowing and scratching beyond recognition...


  4. More time for reading and fewer messes to clean.

  5. @Heather: Amen and Amen.
    @Sue: You give me hope, Sister.
    @RBS: And this is why I love you so much.
    @ADSL: I love your want list. I may have to borrow your list and make it my own.

  6. Great post !
    Dreams are what keep us going and striving for our wants. As I've gotten older, my wants list has decreased in size. Last time we were camping away from home with 1 suitcase each, in a cabin with a tv and a kitchen on a lake, I realized my wants for material things is not nearly as important as my love for the family and friends in my life. The houseful of stuff we have collected over 38 years was not missed at all !

  7. A kayak was on my want list, and when I got one I had to put another on my want list so that I got to use mine once in a while because I always had to "share" it! I hear ya! And I finally got a Honda Civic after driving a Suburban and it's awesome, but I still have to share it. Oh well!

  8. I love this post. There I times I just want to scream out for the want of something that is MINE and only MINE. That is why I hide chocolate in my underwear drawer. It may be small, but it belongs only to me.

  9. Scissors and a stapler. For some reason those two items are NEVER stay where I put them. And then when I find the scissors again, they are dull. Drives me crazy.

  10. I feel soooo spoiled, I do have my own flashlight, it goes everywhere with me. I hide my own sharp scissors so no one else can find them, and I do have my own laptop. My husband spoiled my about 5 years ago with a Macbook Pro. I am soooo spoiled!


  11. I love this post, and feel a lot like Charlotte does: "Isn't there anything that can be just mine?" And yes, I've been known to stash chocolate in my underwear drawer as well, but the toddler has an uncanny sense for when I'm sitting down to eat it...

    On my want list? A smaller cleaner car, and yes, no french fries allowed! Hardwood floors that are clean. And yes, scissors, tape, and staplers that stay put!


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