Sunday, August 22, 2010

Something Good

So remember St. Terry Alaskus?
A dear friend we've known for years
whom we've shared the Gospel with?
He's been reading, pondering, praying.
He's on the water's edge,
ready to take the next step in,
and all I can think about is that
Heavenly Father keeps His promises.


  1. What wonderful news. It is certainly a precious experience to see someone who recognizes truth and then enters the waters of baptism. My sweet daughter-in-law chose baptism a couple of months ago after three years of pondering and praying. Yes, it is true joy.

  2. That is really exciting. What a neat experience for both of you. To see someone accept the gospel and take those steps is amazing.
    I hope we read about his baptism soon :-D

  3. What a wonderful experience for Him and also for your entire family. What a sweet joy!

  4. You guys are such wonderful missionaries.


  5. What awesome missionaries you are. Great examples for me to follow and my family.

  6. Ugh... every time I click on your recent blog post on my reader it says your post doesn't exist! I just read about the swooning.... but I could only link to this post. Not sure if it is something you can tweak. :(

  7. @Kazzy: That post needed more editing. It's up today.
    @Lisa: We love sharing!
    @Sue: Everyone's a missionary for something, if you think about it.
    @PattyAnn: I am very happy for our friend.
    @Cherie: You know you'll read about the big day when it happens!! We love this young man so much!
    @Connie: and that is what's so sweet about it...creating eternal families.


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