Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Thoughts that could be formed into whole blogs, but I'm too busy to do that.

*We Teach Others How To Treat there's a thought!  

*If You Talk to your children about sexual intimacy with purpose, clarity and honesty they will more likely regard your other teachings positively.  They'll trust your counsel in other areas of life too.

*If you want to make a change in the way you're doing things in your home--such as discipline--don't be afraid to tell your kids you made a mistake and want to make a course correction. "This wasn't working to meet the needs of our family, so we're going to do things differently."  But you can't do that alot--so be careful when you choose a new way.  Kids need consistency.

Okay, your turn--WEIGH IN on those thoughts, or share your own random thoughts today!


  1. First--your pictures from the park sure look like fun--and brought back lots of memories from when we were there last spring.

    Second--I agree with you totally on your comments. There have been several times I have had to change rules (mostly because the rules were made for one child and then there came along another who was totally different and we had to change the rules for him/her). I have always tried to be honest about it. It goes back to your comment about dealing with sexual intimacy and being honest and up front with that. I have found being honest with my kids and open with them helps develop trust and positive relationships in all areas. For the most part, when I admit to having erred, they take it well and are accepting of me, and my parenting and our relationship is strengthened.

    Although right now my youngest is pushing the rules with a boy she likes. This is totally new territory for me. None of my other daughters were ever serious about someone in high school. I have thought about grounding her for a year until he leaves on his mission, but know from past experience that it is impossible to keep the kids from climbing out the bedroom windows. :-)

  2. I have admitted mistakes numerous times to my kids and husband. I can be a real screw up quite often. Humility is a powerful thing.

  3. We teach others how to treat us... brilliant! I've been working on this one with my kids lately.

  4. I agree with all of these, but then I almost always agree with your thoughts.

    I especially think it's important to let your kids know when you've made a parenting error, and it can be done without ceding your authority, too. There is no one so strong as he (or she) who stands tall enough to admit and correct mistakes.


  5. I also agree with all of these and think it is important to let kids see how we handle the errors we make. When you do so with honor and dignity, we make a difference in how they will also deal with their mistakes. some of my favorite teachings are:

    If you are going to do it anyway, do it with class! (I use this when they are going to do the chore, but are whinning about it!)

    My second one is:
    The goal is not just to win the race;
    but to run it in honor and dignity, in testimony and worthiness.

    Sometimes we can get so focused on the finish line that we forget what we are doing to get there.

  6. @Braden: Thanks!
    @PattyAnn: I like your thoughts on this alot. Especially the reminder that we need to keep perspective on why we do what we do.
    @Sue: Amen and Amen.
    @MommyJ: It's the truth, hunh? If we want to be treated differently, it's up to us to teach others what we want.
    @Kazzy: Me too Me too!
    Lori: I so know where you're coming from on the lines that we draw with different kids. It can get tangled up if we try to treat each kid differently, but there has to be some semblance of order and logic too. I'm still figuring this stuff out as I go.


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