Monday, November 1, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving

*Don't forget to enter the CSN $75 Giveaway by this Friday, Nov. 5th!

So my favorite holiday is coming
in 25 nights...
I am so stinkin' excited!

My whole familia will be here!
Is there anything better than being with your family
and eating good food together?
I can't think of anything if there is!

Is it weird that I'm already thinking of
my Turkey Day menu?
I'm going thru my cookbooks,
looking on the internet,
reading the headlines of cookbooks
in the checkouts at the supermarket
looking for ideas.

I had this thought come to me--
"Self, I wonder what my bloggy friends
make special for THEIR families??"

So I'm asking--
Will you Share your Special Turkey Day recipes
with me??

Whaddya Say???

what's easier than blogging my gratitude
for 25 days?
You can participate in this Bloghop by publishing your 
very own favorite Turkey Day recipe
and something you're Grateful for
and link it below!

here we go:

My favorite Thanksgiving Recipe:

 Cranberry Salsa

1 bag of fresh raw cranberries—washed
1 granny smith apple –cored and chunked
½ red pepper
½ red onion
¾ c sugar
1/3 c sugar
3 T cilantro
3 T fresh jalapeno pepper
1 T grated lime zest
1 T lime juice

Put all ingredients into food processor.  Chop just until chunky.  Enjoy with chips or topping for baked chicken/salmon, brie cheese or sandwich spread.

I'm Grateful for:

Living in a Free Country.
For Amber Waves of Grain.
And the men and women who've given their lives
to make it so.

Join the Blog Hop of Thanksgiving Recipes right here!


  1. Great idea of counting down till Thanksgiving. I saw someone last year make a "thanks" tree and a "giving" tree on paper, and had a bunch of paper leaves. When they did or saw someone do either of those, they would write it on a leaf and stick it on the tree.

    Anyway, my fam has always had a veggie tray for Thanksgiving; it helps break up all the heavy saucy type things that are always served, and it's awesome to munch on later, like when making turkey sandwiches. BUT. You have to use our dip: 1 cup mayonnaise, 8 oz. sour cream, 1 Tablespoon minced onion, 1 teaspoon dill weed, 1 1/2 teaspoons Bon Appetit spice(Schillings or McCormicks). Mix it all together, and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours. It is DELICIOUS!!! I think sometimes my mom will use cottage cheese instead of mayo, to be healthier, and it tastes pretty much the same. ANY veggies, cheese, chips...everything tastes better with this dip on it! Except, like, chocolate cake.

  2. Great idea! I was thinking about recipes last night too.

  3. Oh, shoot. I wish I had seen this before I posted. If the Linky is still open tomorrow, I'll come back and post a recipe then.

    I wish I loved the idea of cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I really don't like to, and my lemon of a new oven is only part of the reason.

    Having said that, I DO love Thanksgiving, and my whole family will be here, too. So you know both of us are going to be in hog heaven. Or I guess I should say "turkey heaven" under the circumstances.


  4. Oh this is such a good idea. I'm going to print up that cranberry salsa recipe. MMMMMmmmmmm. Yum-O. I really love cooking for Thanksgivng too. And you just got me excited. Except this is the first year that we don't get to cook the entire dinner and host a party and I'm sooooo depressed about it. I lub all the smells and all the snitching.

    Your music is loverly! Simply Loverly.

    OOOH, I can almost feel the roaring fire, it's so cozy in here.


    Hey, btw, I'm giving a way a free ticket to Bloggy Boot Camp this week because I'm doing a Ten in Ten Giveway on my blog--ten prizes, ten days. All to get the word out that I'm trying to win the next Good Mood blogger gig and I need votes. I'm in the top 20 right now, but I need to stay there until Nov 10 to make it to finals. Will you vote for me?

    Here's the link to my giveaway for all your peeps.

    There will be other prizes too—a free photo shoot from Shanna Ormond, Annette Lyon’s new Chocolate Never Faileth book, Kohls cash, signed Cubworld CD and T-shirt, and more

  5. I am thankful for sunshine. My lemon cake recipe is requested every year for Thanksgiving. Your cranberry salsa sounds great! And this is a great idea for a blog hop.

  6. That cranberry salsa looks divine!
    I look forward to seeing your posts for the month!

    I "get" to work on Thanksgiving this year.

  7. Oh, I love this idea! I am going to have to see what great recipe I can find to share!!

  8. I won't be posting any recipes. My Thanksgiving dinner dishes tend to come from cans and boxes. Lame, I know, but cooking is not a big strong point of mine. I still love Thanksgiving, though.

  9. Here's my Thanksgiving post from 2008 - sharing my favorite Thanksgiving recipes. I LOVE this holiday! I don't even mind that I have to totally rearrange nearly every stick of furniture in my home to accomodate the crowd so everyone gets to sit down at a table together. Getting closer . . .



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