Thursday, November 18, 2010

Take Luck!

I usually have 3 days off work a week--
Friday or Saturday
Sunday and Monday.

I'm home this morning because the Boofus is way sick.
He slept in my bed last night
so I could keep an eye on him and tend to his needs.
Mr W slept in his bed--
so he could get some sleep b/c of course,
he still had work today.

The Boofus had a rough night,
which means I had a rough night.

I'm taking him to the doctor this morning at 11:30
and see what's up.
I hate it when the yahoos are sick, don't you?

But on the flip side,
I'm home.
And I'm usually scheduled out on my days off
so that I don't get alot done around the house--
like cleaning junk drawers or the laundry room,
being creative and moving things around.

But for whatever reason,
I've got energy to do this stuff today
before I hit that inevitable brick wall of
yeah I know it's there--
but for right now,
I'm pretending it's not.
Cuz I've got things to do.

*Changing Sheets
*Washing Pillows
*Lysol-ing the house down to kill them thar bugs.
*Cleaning that one junk drawer that has birthday napkins, sparklers, shishkabob stix, birthday candles, take out menus, and heaven only knows what else.
*Sweeping up the 4" layer of dryer lint in the laundry room so as to avert a fire danger.
*Move my family room furniture around since I got a new ottoman for my birthday. What? Like I'd want diamonds or froo-froo stuff for my 49th bday? I don't think so.  I wanted a peice of furniture that the whole family could put their feet on and think about ME.  Whoa--is that freudian or what?? lol
*Clean up the loft/office space of shoes, plates, dvds, and whatsits.
*Water the plants!
* Take out dinner and get that going in the crockpot.

Yeah, I've got loads to do today.
Wish me luck!

Oh and if you've gotten this far,
if you know who coined the phrase of my blog title today,
and leave it in my comments box,
you'll totally make my day.

First Correct Answer Wins!
What? Oh just a little something I've picked up
from All About Home.


  1. Why, Brian Regan, of course!


    PS. Sounds like you are up for the kind of day I have planned. Organizing! Hope your son is feeling much better very soon.

  2. I have no idea about the title. But clearly, all your days off are just spent relaxing and doing nothing! ;)

  3. Hmmmm, I don't know who said it but I'll take a stab and say Minnesota Fats, wasn't he a pool shark or a gambler? I told you it was a wild guess.

    Happy cleaning.

    Oh, I would so ask for a piece of furniture for my birthday too.

  4. shoot - I don't know... I could guess Dean (or nearly anyone else in your fam) but it's just a guess :)

    Enjoy your Lysol day :( (hope the germ doesn't go anywhere else and that Boofus is better soon!)

  5. I'm sorry your boy is sick, I hope he feels better soon.

  6. I think the phrase was made famous by Brian Regan. He is a comedian of epic proportions! My son-in-law loves him.


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