Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm too tired
to shop for gifts or food.
I think we've got enough, ya know?
Can't I just hand them a gift card and call it a day?
My eyes are burning,
and I have a dull headache from rubbing shoulders
in lines at the retail stores,
and driving bumper to bumper,
circling parking lots for endless minutes.
I am Mom,
hear me Whine.

Too tired to think about this weekend--
because between here and there
are days of work.
What about paper plates?
Yeah, No, Maybe So?

And carolling was crossed off my list this year.
In fact,
I don't think it ever materialized on an actual list.
Sorta rumbled around my head
like a loose marble
and then got lost.

How do you think the fam would feel about going to Wendy's for Christmas dinner?
I already got the Honeybaked ham, but ya know,
that'll keep until New Years, right?
Wendy's chili is always good.
I need a nap.

Do I have to wrap all the presents?
What if I just taped the store bags and topped them with a
stick-on bow?
Think the yahoos would mind ripping open bags with Walmart, Target, Ulta, and REI on them
instead of gold and red wrapping paper?
Think of all the trees we'll be saving.

And can I just sit with my feet up Christmas morning
and not run around
trying to get hot cocoa going
and the cinnamon rolls warmed?
I could just yell down the hallway
for the kids to go ahead and open their gifts
delegate someone else to take pics for me
to look at later
after I sleep in until ten.

Can I just do that and not feel guilty?


  1. Sounds good to me. It's weird. There have been a lot of holiday things I have been gung ho about, and some, I want nothing to do with. Like wrapping presents.

  2. "Can I just do that and not feel guilty?"

    Yes, you absolutely could. RIGHT up until the "and" in that sentence. Because no... moms will always feel guilty if the paper plates come out and the store bags are taped shut with a bow. That's what's so great about moms. (Until you are one, that is.)

  3. Preaching to the choir here, Momza. I'm working through Wednesday. Too much to do at home, too much to do at work. Our Christmas day will be total relaxation. Church the night before. Breakfast casserole made the night before. Chinese for dinner from the local joint (a la "A Christmas Story").

    When I was a teen, my mom would put our gifts in boxes, tape them shut, and write the name of the recipient on the corner. Then she'd have us wrap them all. Maybe that would work for your yahoos?

  4. Nope, I don't believe you could. I missed Christmas once, and let me tell you, I will never do that again!! But you could let them have their stockings and tell them the presents have to wait until you get up, and if they bother you, the presents will wait an extra hour or so. that is what we do with the girls now because they are bigger. I make the stockings amazing, so they have a great time with all those goodies and I get to sleep until eight am. I love that and it makes staying up until all hours just a little easier.

  5. YES YOU CAN, all of the above! and no feeling guilty either!

  6. Hey I think you can do absolutely anything you gosh darn well please!! :-D
    I've thought alot the past few years about how all of Christmas seems to fall on the woman's shoulders - it is rewarding yet tiring at the same time.
    4 years ago I cut out Christmas day dinner. Yep that's right. We have our Christmas festivities on Christmas Eve - dinner, family, singing, stories, etc...On Christmas day we get up in the morning and then NOTHING is planned for that day - just relaxation. Awwwww best decision I ever made.
    Hope you can put your feet up soon!!

  7. It IS a lot of work, isn't it? And the moms pretty much do it all, or at least, that's the way it is for most of the women I know.

    Like Cherie's, our Christmas Day dinner is low-key. I do cook a turkey, but all we do is cut it and make sandwiches. No fixin's except a Waldorf salad.

    Even Christmas Eve is pretty mellow with our Mexican food.

    Hope you can find some peace in all the craziness!


  8. Amen sistah. Sometimes I get annoyed when my hubby dances around about how much he loves Christmas and I say, who do think creates Christmas around here????? P.S. Christmas Day we have a buffet with all contributing. I gave up a sit down Christmas Dinner years ago.

  9. @ All of YOU Wonderful Women:
    Thanks so much for your encouragement and understanding! I slept good last night, got some rest, and today I feel like wrapping presents and using the good dishes! lol!!

  10. Hee! i've had all those same thoughts . . . I remember I used to seriously wonder what would happen to my family at Christmas time if I were ever out of the picture :) It would be such a shock to them :)

    Hope you're almost ready . . .

    ((love and hugs))

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