Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blossoms of Grief and Courage

Did you know that during droughts,
cactus blooms are more prolific?
That means they have more blossoms
during the driest years.
By sending out more blossoms,
the cactus ensures its own survival.

It's called Blooming under Pressure.

My thoughts are with a lovely family in Arizona today.

In my mind's eye, 
I can see them clearly busy this morning--
picking out appropriate clothing,
speaking in hushed tones,
carefully moving through their home with purpose,
being held up by one another
and little trails of tears escaping
every little while
as they go through the motions
of living and grieving
the loss of one of their own.

As I have read the tender feelings they've shared
about this unique life experience--
their grief is underlined by 
gratitude for their family and faith
upon which they rely and praise.

Today, they will hold one another 
a bit longer and tighter
as each soaks up the overflowing grief
until it has been shared like one 
sacred cup of sacramental water.
Grief shared, is grief divided
and the thinning of grief
leaves room for Courage.

Courage to wipe the tears away,
and accept the next moment
the move forward
with quiet, intimate gratitude.

The truth is,
Grief does not stop the World
from turning--
life goes on
even when our hearts 
are secured with an invisible tether
to the cause of our grief.
We wonder if we can even breathe.
Yet, the truth about 
a broken heart
is that it can be 
Carefully, tenderly, lovingly
A mended heart has possibilities--
it can still create joy
and love,
it can also
progress and expand in ways
it may not have been able to do
before it was
A mended heart can do things
in ways that perhaps 
it couldn't have done
Grief has a way of 
our mortal minds and hearts,
and mended hearts are sacred.

And while I would never wish 
a broken heart upon anyone--
the light that shines 
from those who have braved the storms of life
is a beacon for me.
I look to them for guidance and direction
when faced with my own storms.

Such is this sojourn we call
It's messy and chaotic at times
and it takes Courage 
to give all that we have to make sense of it,
and even more effort and brilliance
to be Grateful for the trip at all.

Gratitude is the face of Courage.

Today in Arizona,
a family is gathered together at the gravesite
of their little one,
and if you could see with heavenly eyes,
I would bet you could see
Lots and Lots 


  1. Simply exquisite, Dawn.

    Amen and amen.

  2. Beautiful post... one the loveliest you've written, I think. Thank you so much for your words, and your heart.

  3. What a wonderful expression today. Just beautiful.

  4. Beautiful. I'm going to share with my sister who is grieving the unexpected loss of her FIL.

  5. Oh, Dawn. That was so sweet and beautiful. I am sure it will be very much appreciated by Marilyn and her family and I am sure it will give strength and peace to many others who read it as well.

  6. I lost my Grandfather and Grandmother in August and September. They were like parents to me. I miss them so much, I have been struggling with so many things. I would call them almost every week.I love this post.


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