Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

5 am, Daisie, at my bedroom door:
"It's a Snow Day! I'm going back to bed!"

N' that right there 
is why I've been up since 5am.

A Snow Day is a "Day Off"--
a delightful surprise,
punctuated by hot cocoa,
snow pants and jackets,
gloves and boots,
sleds and snowmen.

The yahoos are up watching TV already.
Normal school days,
the kids are slow to get going,
but this morning their faces lit up when I 
gave them the news:
"Snow Day!"

I'd like a "Snow Day" from Life
once in awhile!
Just a day OFF from cleaning and cooking,
errands and bills--
what's that called in the adult world?


  1. We're enjoying the same "Snow Day" over here, too. Except, ours is just from preschool.

    Is anyone else around here looking out the window and wondering where the "snow" in our "snow day" is? There's about 2 inches in my neighborhood. But whatever! You go, snow day.

  2. Oh, yes! I could use a Snow Day about now.


  3. would you believe this.... we have a snow day too!!! crazy!!! Though I bet you got a lot more than we did. ... can you beat an inch? Yes, they cancel for the thought of snow down here. But we'll take it!

  4. I LOVE snow days! We don't get many here in Vegas, but we always had one or two in Seattle, and of course all our years in SLC.

  5. I WISH! I need a snow day. I guess, for adults, it's called a "lazy day". If only the lazy day didn't involve "catch-up" day the day after...

  6. I hear ya on the snow day!!

    My daughter in CO, loved that it was a snow day. She was supposed to sub today but instead got to stay home. Hope you get your own snow day soon. :-)

  7. My twelve-year-old has been texting some cutie patootie in Colorada and he told me about your snow day yesterdeee. I wonder if she is in Colorada Springs.

  8. VACATION! And they are just too few and far between! LOL

  9. The downside to where I live is that we almost never get snow days...even when there's a foot of snow. We did get a half day once for a blizzard though. That was pretty cool.


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