Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Confessions

* I haven't made a meal menu in weeks.
Because of that,
and the fact that I've been working
and running Dean up and down I-25 to Loveland--
my yahoos were ready to hold a mutiny
and shove me overboard last night
because, as they claim,
"there's no food in the house!"--
(specifically, cereal)
which wasn't true.
There's food...the kind you have to make.
But it was true,
there's no cereal.

the crew demanded it, so
I went to King Soopers with the Boof-dawg
and got some groceries and stuff for dinner.
When it came to dinner--
(and honestly, I've been so tired lately,
cereal sounded good for dinner,
but guilt wouldn't let me do that)
we got the stuff for chili-dogs instead.
And chips.
You know, healthy stuff.
Nothing green in there, I noticed as we checked out.
Well, I did buy a Bag O Salad,
but we didn't even open it.
And I burned the hot dogs.
Not all, but half.
I put them on the stove and walked away,
"Hey, the kids are all in the kitchen, they'll watch 'em."
Which was stupid on my part.
Because as soon as they eyeballed what I'd gotten,
they all retreated to the basement to watch the last of the
"Buffy" series.
Man, if David Boreanz were a cologne,
good stuff there. just saying.
He could give Kevin Costner a run for his money.


So I heard crackling coming from the stove,
yelled out to noone--
"Guys? --those hot dogs finished yet?"
No reply sent me flying downstairs
to find the hot dogs charred on the bottoms.

Hot dogs.
I burned hot dogs.
Are there fewer calories in burnt food?
I love being a Home Stager--
I was that kid that was always rearranging her bedroom;
and the kitchen cupboards too.
My mom used to say she couldn't find anything
once I'd been in a cleaning mood...oops!
And my grandma, bless her heart,
allowed me free rein in her tiny
more often than I can recall.
I'd go to my friends' houses,
and talk them into rearranging and cleaning up
their rooms too.

So home staging was "invented" for Me.
The housing market has tempered the call for home staging,
I know this because of the number of designers/ home stagers
we work with at the Showroom.
But that'll turn around eventually, with the housing market.

Our designer is taking on another Parade of Homes project.
I've heard the process is grueling and soul-sucking
and I don't know if I'll be around for that.
On the one hand,
I'll learn ALOT.
On the other,
I may end up running nekkid down the street
with my hair on fire.

Wanna see where I work?
Here ya go.


I was grumpy the other night
when I came home from work.
And when I'm grumpy
I clean.
So I chose the messiest room in the house--
Boofus' bedroom,
and I cleaned it spotless
despite his protests:
"I.m a kid! I like my room like this!
I want to see all of my stuff on the floor!
I know where everything is!
Why do you hate me?
This is my room!
Mom's aren't supposed to move kids' stuff around!"

I countered with the fact that I've been asking him
to clean his room.
Not straighten it.
Not shove stuff under the bed
and in the closet.
But clean it.
And if I had to go in there,
it was gonna get done my way.

since Thanksgiving.
What do you do when you're grumpy?

I'm in the mood
to discard 3/4's of what we now own.
What does this mean?


We got more snow last night.
The kids were equally divided
about the prospect of another Snow Day.
The Boofus wanted one,
but the girls didn't.
The girls' hopes won out.
No Snow Day.
For which, I am grateful.
Did you see Lake Shore Drive on the news?
Holy Hannah! --as Kelly says.
What a nightmare.
Was the National Guard called in to help?
I'm grateful we don't get that kinda snow here.
In fact, the weatherdude says it's gonna warm up
before it cools down again
It's 16o right now,
and up to 47o today!
Are you digging out from snow too?

Okay, that's it for today.
Nothing else is rambling around my brain
so I'm callin' it.

Plans for the weekend?
I'm working again and thinking about which team to cheer for
at the Superbowl--
which, we all know,
is based on my favorite colored-cupcakes,
so I'm leaning towards the Packers
because Green is my most fav color.
What about you?

p.s. I did remember to get the cereal.


  1. Have you been inside my head lately? Other than the family circumstances, I feel like I just read about my week. Glad you got the cereal!

  2. I didn't realize you were a stager. I do love watching HGTV. Trying to sell our condo has been depressing. We have gotten very little movement.

  3. Kristina: Hire a stager, ASAP. It'll make all the difference.

  4. Since Thanksgiving huh?
    Did you find any missing homework or anything?

    I would love to have a home stager come to my house and stage. I have NO creativity in my brain. I was looking at my anemic house and I wanted to do something with it.
    Then I couldn't think of what to do.
    So I didn't.
    Been doing that for years.

    I do have one question.
    You really burned the hot dogs?

    I bet everyone ate them anyways and then got out a bowl of cereal as soon as your back was turned!

  5. I clicked on the "All About Home" link. Beautiful store! And were those "Salt City" candles I saw on a table in a picture? Please say yes. I can't find those anywhere in Colorado. I'm so there if you've got 'em.

  6. Yes--green!

    When I'm grumpy, I have to DO something, like clean, bake, read, watch "I Love Lucy," or eat something ridiculously bad for me (like green cupcakes!). Then I apologize to everyone nearby for having been grumpy.

  7. i reaaly love all the randomness in this post. also, i loved the parade of homes. i'm planning on going this year too... and i think my house would be happier if i cleaned when i'm a grump, i like to sleep & eat off my grumpies. and cereal for dinner is nothin to feel guilty about! i do it all the time!

  8. My guilt is blessedly silent whenever I consider having cereal for dinner. I swear, sometimes they eat more of that than they do of the meals I've spent mucho time preparing. And sometimes I've just got to fatten skinny Connor up -- three bowls of cereal (for a 6-year-old-tomorrow!) in one sitting works pretty well for that.

  9. Oh yeah, we love cereal and raman for dinner. There are just those kind of days!!!


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