Friday, February 25, 2011

My Nest is a Mess, Back up the Truck

I lost a clean nest.
My nest is a mess,
mainly because I haven't been cleaning it
this week.
Church stuff,
Yahoo stuff,
non-made beds and clutter.

Ever feel like backing up a big truck,
and dumping the contents of every junk drawer,
and over-filled closet with games that are missing pieces,
and shoes that are missing mates,
and random socks and cd covers
into the truck bed,
and just waving the truck driver goodbye
as you watch all that crap go down the road?

I can dream, can't I?


  1. Yes I have!
    I never though os a garbage truck though, I often thought of a fire hose.

    I hope you get on top of it soon. If I lived near you I would help. I would be the one driving the garbage truck....cuz I'm a friend like that.

  2. I'll be right there with you backing up my own truck. I've been doing a lot of yahoo-ing stuff too!

  3. I feel like doing that with my HUSBAND'S stuff. Why do men make piles? Piles of books by the bed. Piles of clothes in the closet. Piles of papers by the phone. Piles of unknown gunk in the backseat of their car. What's the deal?

  4. Yes, as a matter of fact. I know the exact feeling!


  5. I almost did this when we moved. It felt great. I had to make a decision on everything I touched: pack or toss. I got rid of about 1/2 of everything I think.

  6. Oh me, me, me! Will you send the truck this way when you are finished?


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