Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine

My Valentine I pray thou wilt be
Not for a day
But for Eternity.

I met Mr. Wonderful right before Christmas 1997.
By Valentine's Day,
we knew we wanted to keep the journey going.
He lived in Nottingham, UK
and I wondered what, if anything he would send me
for Valentine's Day.

That morning,
I went to work at Bank One in Peoria, Arizona
happy to have spoken to him that morning.

Just before the doors opened,
a Delivery guy knocked on the bank doors
and all of my co-working girlfriends were as excited as I was--
"It's for you!!"
Inside the box was a beautiful ruby ring and a love note.
And not 5 minutes later,
another delivery guy came
with flowers.
So we weren't together that first year,
but we're on Year 13
the ring is on my finger,
and he is still my


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