Thursday, March 24, 2011


Diana left us today,
headed to Provo, Utah
for her own awfully big adventure.
That's her little red convertible pulling away, right there.
 Before she got in that little red car,
we had a nice spaghetti dinner.
We all went around the table
giving her our "best advice":

The Caboose:  "Stay safe. Don't let anyone talk you into doing bad things."

 Boofus: Stay away from boys. 
(I paid him with jellybellies later.)  
(oh he was on his way to play air-soft guns with his buddies-lol)

 Daisie: (who couldn't smile for "Take One"--had to suck up the tears for "Take Two")
and this is a direct quote: "Don't be a Ho."  --thanks, Daisie. 
Your eloquence is inspiring.

Momza: (Puffy eyes-check; dark circles of worry-check)
"Do things that help you become the person you want to be."

Dad: "Have fun. Be grateful for the opportunities that will come your way."

 Then, it was her turn to give each of us
some "Going Away" Advice:

To Daisie: "Be wise. Be wise at home. Be wise choosing your friends. Talk to Mom and listen to her.  If you listen to Mom, you will be happier."

 To the Boofus: "Be nice to your sisters. Be happy."

 To the Caboose (who was having the most difficulty letting go):
"Control your temper." (she can be a little hothead.)

 To Mom and Dad:
"Don't doubt yourselves as parents. You're good parents and you're raising good kids." and then she shared some more personal thoughts and feelings that I will keep to myself--all very much appreciated.

And then, we all gathered in the livingroom where Dad gave her a blessing, which frankly had all in tears.
Even the dog was whining--lol.
And we headed outside to her little red car.

Where there were more hugs and tears...

I walked her to the driver's side and whispered as we held each other tightly:
"Now, you go have your own awfully big adventure! Enjoy every minute! You know that we love you so!
You've always been my favorite, but don't tell the other kids." haha
Nana answered: "I know."
Then I kissed her cheeks and that was that.

Just when you are tired of those late nights waiting up for their key to turn in the door,
and those marathon discussions about Right and Wrong,
and your knees have a rug rash
while your heart's in a knot,
or those days
when you'd consider putting an ad on Ebay
for that moody creature--
just when you wonder
"Am I ever going to be done?"--

 All of that starts to change
and your yahoo
turn into a lovely responsible adult
who "gets it"--

that's when you enjoy their company
and friendship--

And, well, dang it,
that's also when it's time for them 
to put the key in the ignition,
put the car in DRIVE
and pull away.

I just hate that part.


  1. Oh yeah, I totally hate those goodbyes!!

  2. She will be OK! Especially in that car. I'm sure she'll get all the guys. :)

  3. @Kristina: Oh gosh! No Boys! LOL

  4. What a sweet and tender experience!

    She's a beautiful girl.

  5. You know, I hope that someday my kids will grow up and tell me that I did a good job. You're an amazing mom- I love listening to your experiences and advice. (And it gives me hope that my 9 year old might grow out of the "I'm going to sell you on ebay" stage that she's in now!)

  6. wow, tears thinking about this time in their lives... good tears though. excited for her new adventure.

  7. Your last paragraph summed it up. It's like saying goodbye to your best friend just after you've finally found them!

  8. My oldest is only 13. There are days when I feel like the day he moves out can't come soon enough. :-) There are other days when I seriously dread it.

    I get afraid to think that I will have taught him well enough.

  9. I'm so excited for her! She will love it!

  10. Oh gosh. How hard. I think I'm going to cry! (((Hugs))) to you brave mama.

    (But at least she has an awesome car.)

  11. What sweet and hard moments! She will do awesome! She is a wonderful little girl--- oh wait, she grew up, she isn't a little girl? OK lets rephrase that - the little girl I remember was always so sweet, and I am sure that you have helped her become just as equally, if not more a very awesome and strong young woman! Thanks for sharing! Good luck Diana! you'll do great!

  12. My Mom used to always say, when people asked if she had a favorite kid, that she absolutely did. Which one?

    "The one I'm with..." she would say.

    Love your descriptions of this sweet experience, and love how much your kids love each other. It says a lot about your family.

  13. YAY!!!! and i love that shes doing it all in Kellis old car. thats great, i somehow feel apart! :-)

  14. I'm so glad she's enjoying my 'ole cherry red convertible! It was SO good to me when I would take her on road trips & i'm tickled pink for it to be a part of her amazing adventure!

    By the way - I love your blog!


  15. well Crap Momza - I was all ready to wish my kids away this morning - I mean... I've got a full 3 years and 42 days before any of them are mission eligible but I was SO ready this morning after waking up SICK and still having to braid, pack, cook, etc...

    and now... I want to go and pull them all out of school to spend more time with them!

    hmmm... maybe after I can find the strength to get off the couch.

  16. This one has me in tears, too.

    She's going to do great.

    Thanks for sharing such a sweet moment with us.


  17. What a wonderful young woman you have raised. I know the tug of heartstrings when one leaves the nest. Here is to lots of fun and success to your beautiful daughter.

    Very touching post!

  18. I know the feeling! I can't wait for my daughter to come home from college this summer! The few weekends we get when all three grown kids are home with the remaining three kids are priceless. Life is good!

  19. I am SO not looking forward to that one day. I remember the day I left... oh how I cried.

  20. I just love how much your kids obviously love each other. I really do.

    And I love the "ho" comment. (snicker snicker)

  21. WOW! Two post in and WOW! We dropped our oldest son off at his dorm, 3 hours away a year and a half ago and bawled most of the way home. It's so hard to let them go. But, I am so proud of the young man he has become. I get it.

    Ok, it's tomorrow now. I really should go to bed. But, I will be back tomorrow to see what you are up to.

    Sheri in CA


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