Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Evolution in Parenting

In a moment of clarity and sanity,
I put some thoughts down,
and shared them over here.
Head on over, will ya?


  1. That was a great post, Dawn, and I agree wholeheartedly.


  2. I'm STILL evolving and my kids are all grown.
    It's a good thing I know how to laugh at myself instead of berate ALL the time. I would crush my feelers.

  3. My oldest is almost 16 and letting him be his own person while trying to be a good parent is a balancing act.

    It takes patience and faith, but I love being his mom, most days;)

    Thanks for the words of wisdom.

  4. Thanks for stopping by:) The cupcakes . . . I'm not a meringue maker but it's pretty marshmellowy - you make it by heating sugar and plain gelatin to the softball stage then beating for about 10-12 minutes. I "toasted" them over the high electric burner :)


  5. I love what my kids teach me. We're barely embarking on the teen years and have adventures ahead for sure. All of our children joined our family in different ways...of the 5 of them, 3 are adopted and 2 are biological. We love and appreciate the journeys that brought them all here, and that gives us perspective to let them lead us in what they need...loved what you had to say.


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