Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Mr. Easter Bunny 2.0

Dear Mr. Easter Bunny,

I wanted to do this personally,
but seeing as how you tend to show up to our house
in the middle of the night with your goodie-laden basket,
this will have to do.

Mr. Bunny, you and I go way back...
since I was just a little chick--
that's what?--like 400 years in bunny years?
I've always delighted in your arrival and have truly appreciated
your accommodations for our family's celebration of Spring
by coming to our house Friday night instead of Saturday.
That alone,
saved many threads of the yahoos' new easter clothing
as well as my sanity,
since I didn't have to take children
hopped-up on sugar
to Church come Sunday morning.
So thank you for that.

Remember last year,
when my letter to you was all about the 15 year old?
Thanks for the tranquilizer dart-gun.
Totally worked.
She slept for three whole days,
which meant peace and quiet for me.
I owe you for that one!

I have a new and different situation this year--
ever since The Caboose turned 10 last month,
she has become a whiny, pouty girl.
She stomps her feet and raises her voice in anger,
n' oh heaven help us if she doesn't get what she wants!
It's as though someone pushed an "ornery" button
on my little Caboose!
I'm nearly outta patience over here--
and I'm sure you can relate--
seeing as how we all know that bunnies
have large families too.
You get me?
So, I'll get to the point here,
because I do have one--
can you perhaps mix a "chillax"-flavored jellybelly
in with the rest?

Just one.
For me.
Maybe two.
Okay, thanks.
Be sure to grab some organic carrots on your way out.

With love,

P.S. Look for me in the easter parade. I'll be standing next to her:


  1. Hope you get everything you want!

  2. My grandaughter just turned ten in February and she sounds just like your Caboose. Sulky, whining, rolls her eyes, takes offense to everything...I think the hormones are taking up residence with them. Poor things.

  3. Hey, I REALLY like that Easter on Saturday thing, a two day holiday, one for fun and one for holiness?

    Is that something i have to discuss and convince my husband of, or do I make an executive decision, momma says it shall thus be done. What do you recommend?

  4. @Mrs. B. Roth: I'd be willing to bet your Mr. Roth would gladly get on board with a two day holiday.
    It makes Easter Sunday more normal.

  5. Oh, I have a little girl that is just like that. She drives me crazy!!

  6. Wish I would have thought about inviting the Easter bunny to come on Friday many eons ago - would have been so lovely! And look at it this way - she's the caboose . . . all things must come to an end eventually :) I certainly will be watching for you in the parade!


  7. I never knew we could make request of the Easter Bunny like that!! Thanks for the info. I am off to make a long list!


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