Friday, June 24, 2011

She has a Wii Face

I'm in the middle of moving...
today should be the last big push to get our
belongings from one house to the next.

I hate moving.
I'd rather have a root canal than move crap.

And you know this if you're in a big family,
with grown children--
we still have their stuff to move too!
Not even kidding.
The stuff that they can't take with them while they're in school,
living in tiny apartments, etc.
Yeah, it's all still in my basement.
And where are they during this move?

Well they ain't here, that's for sure.

We have filled up the Suburban to the roof
and taken excess to Good will.
There will be another trip there today.

Yes, I have taken pictures of the mess--
(thanks to Tauna for encouraging me to keep it real),
but I think the camera got packed.

I have also had to work during this process.
When I left a few days ago,
I had specific tasks for the yahoos to do while I was gone--
go thru the toys,
pick out the clothes that don't fit anymore,
Not on the list?
"Pluck your little sister's eyebrows."
Yet, when I came home last Wednesday night,
the Caboose asked me if I "noticed anything different?"
I looked--
"what happened to your eyebrows?"
"Dara plucked them!" she beamed.
I looked closer--
to see that Dara had done an awful job--
not only did she pluck them,
but she used tiny scissors to cut them when the Caboose
said she'd had enough of the pain--
and to cover it up, she'd used dark brown eye shadow
over the tiny little hairs to fill it in.
It looked awful.
And I said that outloud.
Which brought tears to the Caboose's eyes--
"I thought I looked beautiful!" she cried.
I hugged her and told her she IS beautiful,
but she also looks like Groucho Marx.

She stopped crying to ask who Groucho Marx is--
just then,
the Boofus piped in,
"She looks like a Wii face!"

A what? I asked.
" A Wii Mii face. You know, from the Wii. You can pick your eye brows n' stuff for your own Mii face."

Got it.
I look at the Caboose again.
Yes, yes she does look like a Wii face.

New rule in the house:
No. 421: 
Dara is not allowed to pluck anyone's eyebrows. Ever.

Have you had to make rules based on ridiculous choices your kids have made?


  1. Oh, no! I don't think a Wii Face is really a compliment.

  2. you always make me laugh! good luck with the move! can't wait for pictures!

  3. Sure. We had to make a rule that you could not use a year supply of toilet paper to "decorate" the neighbor's house. And . . . the best one . . . you could not take any old furniture out to burn in the desert and then videotape yourself jumping over the fire.

    Just gotta love kids!!

    Sorry you are going through all the moving hassle but I hope it is all done soon and you will love being settled in your new place. I too hate moving. My husband swears he will never move again--even when he dies. He just wants us to bury him in the backyard.

  4. Oh my heck! That is hilarious!
    She's not allowed to pluck eyebrows at my house either.
    You might need to go to Congress and ask them to pass a bill for Eyebrow Rights.

    Ya, I still wanna see pictures of the chaos.

    Hope you are able to get it all done and feel settled soon! I've been thinking about you and wondering how it's going.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry, I can't help laughing!!! This is awesome in a really sad, learn-from-your-mistake way.

    Moving does suck. We just got done doing it too. Still not really done. I can't imagine moving all that junk that isn't yours. You are a saint!

  6. Oh my gosh that is stinkin' funny!!

  7. I went to Tucker's friend's farewell on Sunday in an unfamiliar building. I walked by one of the bulletin boards and they had a chart of the progression of covenants--baptism, confirmation, priesthood, endowment, marriage, and sealing. And over each covenant was a picture. Guess what? YOUR FAMILY (the all-white one in front of the temple on your sealing day) WAS ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IN A CHURCH IN MESA!!!!! I sat and stared. Am I sure? Yes. Totally weird? Do you know anyone in the Harris 2nd ward?

  8. @jen: I do not know anyone personally in Mesa.
    And that is just so stinkin' cool I can't wait to tell my yahoos. We're famous! LOL!
    How awesome is that?! Thanks for letting me know!

  9. I have a sudden need to wake my teenager up to make sure she knows that she should never pluck her little sister's eyebrows.

  10. Arrr! I feel your pain . . . moving is the WORST! And I refuse to move my adult kids stuff . . . don't know what I'm going to do with it, they better justcome get it! (we are probably moving next year . . .)

    The neighbor girl cut my 2 year olds hair once . . . we still laugh about it!


  11. That is so funny that your family pic is in Mesa! Funny and cool.

    Moving is hard. Hang in!

    The eyebrow story is hilarious. (Sorry, Caboose.)



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