Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where I am, What's New

So I've been breathin' air soup in Baytown, Texas
(a small town just outside of Houston)
since last Saturday.
I'm here to help Danielle out in case she has
a baby this week.
Watching a pregnant belly is akin to watchin' a pot boil--
does no good at all.

We've walked her local Walmart,
the mall--with 3/4's of it empty, as most of the stores have closed their doors,
but still,
we covered some ground in there,
and last night we walked thru Target.
This walkin' n' walkin' gets expensive.

She is taking her red raspberry leaf tea,
and evening primrose oil,
she ate eggplant parmesan the first night I came--
and her little baby isn't budging.

We've told him he needs to
"vacate the premises" ASAP...
but he says
"talk to the baby hand"
pretty sure.

The best part of the trip has been of course,
seeing my girl and lovin' on her
and the Ninja baby--
who is so smart,
he's dangerous.

Another fun thing is we started reading
"The Help" the first day I got here,
We just take turns reading outloud--
laughing so hard
it hurts,
and cryin' too.
This book is so well-written,
it's no wonder it's been made into a movie.
No, I haven't seen it yet--
not until we read the end.

Even Mr. Idaho enjoys being read to--
we catch him up by reading a few pages
before calling it a night.

Dani wants me to read it outloud to her
while she's in labor.
So we're gonna give that a try
if we get the chance.

Like I said,
she may not have this baby
while I'm here--
I'm going back home Saturday
altho I am bringing the Ninja Baby
home with me.

It may not be what the Caboose asked for,
when I left--
with tears in her eyes,
I asked her what I could bring home for her from Texas--
she replied:
"How about a ukele?
Or a Texas Barbie or a Texas Porcelin doll?
N' if you can't find a ukele, then a banjo."

I am not kidding.

I was thinkin' along the lines of a t-shirt.

Even with all the shopping and walking I've done,
haven't seen a single ukele for my girl.

The kids have called me every day,
as school began while I was here.

Joseph asked if hecould take the rest of the year off,
because he was "exhausted" after his 2nd day of middle school.

The Caboose has Joseph's teacher from last year
and is thrilled with that.

Daisie started a new high school,
and is loving her choice.

So it's nice to know everyone is doing okay without me.

I've been reading blogs when I have the chance--
everyone's doing so well this week,
I love reading about
and return trips from Africa,
new school days,
new babies ( hi Lori and Camille, and Nie!)
and everything in between.

Alos been following the news--
like the new record high of the number of cats
in a single home,
the new record high for the largest shark ever caught,
while I'm pretty sure civilization ceased in the
Land that Time Forgot
down here in Baytown,
I think my yahoos owe me a big fat
for not raising them here.

(You're welcome.)

I would sure love to have a new grandson safely here on earth
before I leave though...
so hold a good thought for Dani, okay?


  1. sending my good thoughts out into the Universe... for both of you - leaving without seeing it through to the end just won't feel right will it!?

  2. I have an aversion to anything hyped up, so I refuse to read The Help. It's either the best book ever written since the Bible, or the most racist book since Huck Finn, apparently. I'm not quite sure what all that's about.

  3. I will be hoping very hard that your new grandbaby makes an appearance before Saturday! It will be so hard to leave, otherwise. (Well, actually, it will be hard to leave either way...)


  4. Good luck with the baby delivery!

    And yes, that is a good book. Hard to read the cuss words though.

    I am ready to see the movie.

    I am now working on The Hunger Games books. Verrry interesting...hmm

  5. That's so frustrating. I had that same experience when my mom came to help with Micah's birth. Luckily he just squeaked in two days before she left. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  6. SO fun to hear from you, and your 'baby whispering ways'. I sent your last post to my dd because her first was a c-section. Isn't it fun to experience other parts of the country so you can enjoy YOUR home more! Here's to a big fat baby in you very near future!

  7. Hope baby comes's so wicked hot in Texas, hope Dani isn't too uncomfortable. Is she way overdue ?

  8. Oh, this story sounds all too familiar!! Best of luck! We are praying that baby comes soon.

  9. I do hope that the baby comes before you have to leave. I have always gone to help my daughters and daughter in laws when new babies come and there have been a slew of them. I have been able to witness 4 of the births. It is kind of a private things for couples; so I have only done this on I hope sincere invitations.
    Have a great arrival home and I loved ready about you and yours in your post today.
    Drop by mine some time.
    Living Waters by LeAnn

  10. Best of luck with the baby.

    I love your writing. You rock.

  11. I sure hope that baby comes while you are there!! Good luck to your daughter.

    Also, how very awesome that you guys are reading The Help together out loud even! It is truly a great read and a good one to read out loud.

    Have fun finding the Ukulele - Ha Ha.


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