Wednesday, October 5, 2011

When A Mormon Missionary Comes Home

*You'll want to go to the bottom of this page and PAUSE or STOP the music player before reading.
Dedicated to Marilyn
You know how much I love missionaries right?
My love for them is a joy to my life!
That love for missionaries began when I was just 15 years old
and two lovely young men taught me
that I have a Heavenly Father that knows and loves me.
The greatest message they could've given to me.
I needed to know that so much.

I've always wanted to serve a mission myself.
In the meantime,
my oldest two kids have served missions--
David Scott went to the Canada Montreal Mission
and Danielle went to New Jersey Cherry Hill Mission.

The excitement we felt when they received their mission calls
was a high like none other!
We all put in our "guesses" about where they'd end up,
but as soon as the white envelope came in the mail,
and the destination was read,
our hearts immediately turned to the people of those missions
and felt deep love and concern for them,
and also,
prayers heavenward that the people in those places
would love and care for our son and daughter.

Every week for two years,
my mother heart awaited with anxiousness
for a weekly email from my missionary--
all I wanted to know was if they were safe and healthy.
The rest was cream.

Skip forward to the week before our missionary was to come home
and I was a busy momza--
prepping the house like the Queen of England was coming to visit!
Every detail was important--
their rooms,
the menu--oh the food!--
I wanted to make their very favorite meals in abundance!
The goal was that every stinkin' thing would be DONE
so that when my son or daughter walked off that plane
I had nothing left to do
but love them into my arms.

Their safe return is all I wanted for the 18-24 months they're gone
and to have them safely in my arms
was truly a gift to my mother heart.

I found this video this morning.
It was on Facebook--
put up by the wife of MY missionary--
she put it up because whomever made the video
(she doesn't know who),
has a clip of her own sons homecoming from his mission to Russia.
At the 2:28 mark.

My favorite one is the very last--
where the momma is about to jump outta her skin
to just grab her two boys!

It will speak to your mother heart like it speaks to mine,
and you don't have to be a Latter-Day Saint mother
to appreciate the pure raw emotion
of a child
Coming Home.
*Music is by The Nashville Tribute Band on their Trek album


  1. You are so thoughtful to dedicate that to Marilyn. And the video made me cry. We have only had one missionary (much to my dismay) but it was a glorious day when he left and a happy day when he returned. We currently have three sisters living with us right now. One will finish her mission here and the thought of her going home makes me want to sit down and cry as well. I would love to keep her.

  2. OH my! This was SO, SO, SO beautiful! I cried the whole time! My oldest is 17 and I am trying to prepare myself for him leaving. Thank you so much for sharing this video - I will share it on my FB page and will keep it forever on my computer. THANK YOU!

  3. My son has been gone 14 months. All he wanted to do his whole life is be a missionary like his dad and the ones we feed once a month. There won't be cameras to record our reunion--he's serving in the spirit world. He got to start at 16 instead of 19. I'm sure he's racking up the conversions.

  4. I count the days my missionaries returned as among the happiest days of my life. Thanks for the wonderful reminders.

    Happy, nostalgic tears this morning!


  5. @Michelle: Thank you for leaving a comment today to remind us not all missions require a black nametag and span over two years. My special needs son is ON his mission here every day of his 25 years. He has taught me more than I could've ever taught him. Thank you again.
    @Laurie: Thank you for stopping by and sharing your excitement and mother heart with me!! It's such an exciting time--preparing for a mission! Hope your son shares your excitement!
    @Joy: I so wish we could have missionaries living here! SOME DAY!!!

  6. Pass the box of tissues please.

    I had the privilege of having my two sons serve missions, both to Houston, Texas. I will never forget that built up anticipation of their homecoming. Such sweetness to have them in your arms again.
    Thanks for sharing.


  7. That was a great video. Totally made me cry, and I still have 6 years before I have a missionary. (Holy cow, I ONLY have SIX MORE YEARS!)

  8. Geeze Louise Momza, I have been crying like a baby watching this video. Every emotion I had as I waited impatiently for my missionary sons to come into sight hit me with full force and that has been 13 years and 8 years ago. Holy cow it was such a sweet experience watching that dear piece of video. Thanks so much for posting it.


  9. I tried to post lash week and thank you for this sweet blog post, but blogger was being weird. Our homecoming was as sweet and tender as this video. While we were straining to catch a glimpse of our boy, my husband said, "I wonder if this is what it is like on the other side?" I also feel for the mamas who don't get to send off a missionary, as my oldest son chose not to go. It was a very painful time.thanks again! :-)


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