Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Caboose

The Caboose let me help her this morning,
and was even ok to let me take a couple of pictures.

 We curled the ends, then pulled a little bit back. 

The youngest of 7, 
I hope she takes her sweet time growing up.


  1. My youngest seemed to grow up way too fast. I hope you get your wish!


  2. I hope she stays your little girl forever but they do have a habit of growing up...sigh!

  3. She's darling.
    Ya, if you could just put a lid on the growing up thing.....

  4. Ahhhh Your caboose is such a sweetheart - Love her pretty smile too.
    I bet she doesn't talk back like my caboose does!

  5. Heeheehee - my caboose is 20 now and I still gaze at her frequently and think, "are you sure you're not just 12 years old?" What happened to all those years??



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