Monday, January 16, 2012

Morning Conversations with Ari

Lead In: The Caboose and I have had a battle of the wills when it comes to dressing properly for bed.  She has many sets of pj's, but has been choosing to wear school shirts to bed instead of a pj top.  The following occured at breakfast:

Momza: Is that a school shirt?  After I told you last night NOT to wear a school shirt to bed?
Ari, in a low, happy voice:  Surprise!


  1. That is funny! One of my three year old twins told me yesterday that I was ruining his life because I told him his shirt was on backwards.

  2. Is she trying to save time getting ready in the morning?

  3. Exhausting isn't it?
    Mine are all grown and I'm still exhausted!

  4. I knew when I read the title that this was going to be a good one.

    Ha ha ha! What a smarty pants.

  5. That made me laugh out loud!

    I am glad it is not just my son. He likes to wear school shirts to bed too - then he tries to just wear it to school the next day - ugh!

  6. heehee


    PS. Sounds like she has her mom's sense of humor!

  7. The pretend-I-was-trying-to-surprise-you trick, huh? My kids tried that tonight when they claimed they brushed their teeth until we informed them we'd be smelling their breath.


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