Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Greetings from a Bum

It's been 7 days since my surgery.
I was expecting to be zipping around town,
throwing caution to the wind,
running around like a headless chicken
Day 7.

I have had my fill of television...
and just a fyi here,
I don't like TV to start with,
so it wasn't a huge leap for me to get to the point
where I don't even want it ON.
Do you realize how many Stupid people are on national television?
From dull, over-processed "reporters" ( I use that term loosely, as it seems there is a discrepancy  as to what a bonafide "Reporter" really is)--
and I think I'm in the minority when I don't consider E-news, The Insider, MTV,
and even some of the spots on CNN as true journalism.
With Mike Wallace's passing, I think we're down to 3 or 4 legit Journalists left on the planet, as I know it.
So from crummy news shows to
the "reality" shows...that aren't.
Even the titles of the shows are offensive to my senses:
  • "Mean Girls"--where do the producers find the most uncivilized women in the world for this show to behave so ugly and get paid to do so?
  • "Toddlers and Tiaras"--am I the only one who noticed that the momma's of those girls are not attractive?--they fit the stereo-types to a "t". And those little girls look like coming attractions for future "Mean Girls".
  • "Swamp People"-- OK, OK, I may in fact, be related to some of them, so that's a more believable show than most.
  •  That one show about the Duck people? You know, the hillbillies who run a duck call business outta their garage. I had to watch just once though--like looking at a train wreck--you just can't drive by without looking for lost limbs and such...then you try to shake off the images seared into your mind for all eternity. I wonder if all these people are related? For the most part, they're all Southern.  Just sayin'.
We have DirecTV, so we've got a zillion channels with nothing on them. I was relegated to watching re-runs of "Little House on the Prairie" and "Hoarders" until my brain sent up an SOS before I was declared brain-dead.
Leading me to this conclusion:
TV makes you stupid.

I also have had at my bed, a laptop computer.
I have facebook-stalked every. single. one. of my friends. And their friends. And their friends of friends. Pretty sure.
I've looked at all the photos, the notes, the walls, the links, the blogs, the statuses, and even looked at some FB advertisements!
All in the name of "entertainment". I am so stinkin' pathetic. 
I looked n' looked until I could look no more.

I tried to get a breath of fresh air last Saturday.
I went on an outing that was supposed to be an hour and a half at max,
 but ended up being closer to three hours.
Oh, I paid for that one.
So now I'm on what resembles "house arrest".

This Vacation From Life looked alot more fun
from the other side, ya know?

On the plus side,
I haven't had to make a single meal in 7 days.
Love. That.
I've taken naps nearly every day.
Diana painted my toe nails an awesome coral color
and then top-coated it with glitter, even.
I have been able to rest.
That, I realize is a blessing alone.
I don't have little children to care for or entertain.

My Mr W and my yahoos have been extra helpful and kind.
Having unaccounted-for time
has been healing in many ways,
and I have learned that I need to take more time
for my own thoughts and care of my person
than I have in the past.

Being a Bum has taught me a few things
that I hope I don't forget.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I think "Say Yes To The Dress" is on in five minutes.


  1. I think I shall bring you a book.

    What kinds of books do you like?

    Have your read These Is My Words?

  2. Don't get used to that behavior. I don't have cable and I'm glad. I watch Tuesday night cuz I love NCIS, but other than that Netflix and Downton Abbey.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon

  3. This is what I get for being behind in my blog reading. Surgery and I didn't even know. (I do now -- had to go back and read to get caught up. That'll be great for your length of time on blog #s.)

    I fantasize about being bedridden for a week or so, but truth is, after about 30 hours, I'd be climbing the walls.

    Rest. Enjoy. Recover, friend.

  4. Get well soon, Dawn!

    Hugs to you. (Wish I were there to give 'em in person...)


  5. I love Say Yes to the Dress.
    and Wheel of Fortune.

    Get better quick!

  6. Aren't we funny? We wish and hope for a few minutes to ourselves and pine for control of the remote until it is forced on us then it isn't so fun anymore. Here is to you getting better each day.
    If you want a real time passer try going onto Pinterest, that will gobble up some idle time for you.

  7. Totally agree about the mindless tv. My husband and I (when we watch) mostly watch hgtv, although I'm getting mighty sick of the endless house hunter type shows and the spoiled young people who think they have to have granite counters in their kitchens in their first home. Bleh. I hope by the time you are reading this that you are back up and attam!

  8. Hope you're starting to feel all up to snuff about now! It sounds heavenly (just a little bit) - but I'm sure I would tolerate it for about half and day and then be done :D

    We disconnected the cabe this year and went with a ROKU and online streaming of television - makes you much more thoughtful of what to watch, you actually have to decide on something to watch before you turn on the TV!



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