Monday, July 16, 2012

Name Them One By One

I've had an about-face with regard to Fridays' car troubles.
It's true.
I've decided that instead of feeling
I feel quite blessed.
Very much so.
The fact that the little car died
after I turned off the ignition
in front of my friends house,
and not in an intersection,
or at the gas station,
or anywhere else,
was in fact,
a blessing.

And that the other car
Mr W was driving
gave him trouble at the end of our street
and then died in our driveway,
was a gift.
It could have been much more troublesome.

To say anything else,
is ingratitude.

Also in the count:
*Joseph came home from Scout Camp
safely, earning 5 merit badges, and a bit wiser
about people.
It wasn't a stress-free week due to some unkind, immature boys
in his troop,
but he is fine and focusing on the good.
He is also taller than all of his sisters!
I still have an inch on him,
at least for the next little while.
No doubt he'll pass me up by the end of summer.
 He's in a growing season!

Diana gave a lovely talk in her YA ward
yesterday, about receiving personal revelation through prayer.
She has two weeks left of working
and then one week to rest up
before leaving for the MTC.

Danielle has been posting pictures of their new adventures
in Houston.
She is being blessed and blessing others.
And today is her Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Dani!
Since the girls are always putting dibbs
on my cookbooks,
I went on and ordered 3 cookbooks
just like mine,
and sent them to her!
One, a Southern Living cookbook,
was for .01 cent.
No kidding!
And two Paula Deen books
were for $1.48 for the set!
So that was a great deal for us!

I am heading over to the college
to talk to a counselor about getting into school
this fall.
What do I wanna be when I grow up?
That. Is the Question!

My blessings are many
n' luck has nothing to do with it.

Have a great week!


  1. It's always good to look on the sunny side, isn't it? And you've got a big sunny side goin' on over there...


  2. So cool you are going back to school! And way to count your blessings. You rock!


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