Thursday, November 1, 2012

This Mind of Mine

I Ain’t Right in the Head

Saturday marks a year since the car accident I was involved in.
The one where I was driving my daughter’s friend home from school,
And was rear-ended by a car going around 40-45 mph,
While I was at a dead-stop waiting to make a left hand turn.
The other car’s driver was a 17 year old boy
Who, when he amazingly stepped out of his newly-smashed/totaled car,
With his cellphone in his hand,
Said, apologetically,
“I’m sorry. I was looking down.”
A year has passed by and taken memories with it.
I recently had a conversation with my oldest daughter, Dani
About the last year—
What I do and do not remember.
A few months afterwards,
I realized I’d had my 50th birthday.
I even wrote about it on a blog that day.
But, one particular day, when I was alone,
I thought this thought:
“I had my 50th birthday, and no one remembered! Noone did anything!”
I was really upset.
Diana came home  at that point (or maybe she was already home and I don’t remember),
But in any case,
She popped in and asked what I was upset about.
When I told her that I was upset because no one had celebrated my birthday,
She informed me that
Yes, they did. My family and my friends did celebrate my day.
Nan had thrown a 50’s themed party and it was really cool.
I couldn’t believe that I had no recollection of it
And that really made me sad.
In speaking with my oldest daughter, Dani recently,
She added that she and her family was there too!
It just showed that even 2 weeks later,
My brain resembled top ramen.
When it’s cooked and swollen, dontcha know.
So went the holidays as well—
I don’t remember Thanksgiving or Christmas
Except when someone shows me the pictures of Isaac’s blessing,
Or pics of the day,
Then, I have an A-HA moment and snippets resurface.
New Year’s is a total blank,
As is Valentine’s and Easter.
Birthdays are the same.
It’s almost as if the last year didn’t happen.
Weird, very weird.
Another thing that has taken a turn is my passion for writing.
Before the accident,
I couldn’t NOT write—
Even on what I thought were hard days before,
I still had more passion for expressing whatever was going on at the time
Around me—
The kids,
The daily-ness of life in Colorado
I lost my passion for writing
As the place where all of that passion is stored
Has somehow been tucked away in a safety deposit box
And I’ve lost the key.
Oh, looky there. A simile. 
So unpredictable, this mind of mine.
Ever felt like you’ve lost a part of your self?
Other areas of my life have also been affected by my lack of creativity/interest.
In trying to reclaim my basic ability to think and organize,
I guess the creative parts had to let go or step aside.
My writing is boring to me, even.
I feel as though I am more a “recorder of things”
Than a “storyteller”—which I envisioned myself.
Not a great storyteller,
But I felt if I kept at it, I could become better.
I don’t even know where to begin or where to look for
Those words, that passion, those visions.
It doesn’t  appear that I am a storyteller, afterall.

My passion for interior decorating has waned.
I haven’t done a dang thing with this house we moved into July 2011.
I had plans to paint, to sew window treatments,
To plant a garden and make this house
OUR home.
My biggest problem is that I can’t decide what to do first.
To paint?  What color, where?
To sew? What kind of fabric, which style, what window?
The idea of gardening, equally excites and overwhelms me,
So I did nothing.
This new state of being bothers me.
I’m not ME.
Not the ME I thought I was.
I “do” things,
But I’m not “Am” things.
My doctor’s say it will come.
“Give it time.”-- when my faculties arouse and I remember who I used to be.
The basics to this are fairly simple:
I forget a lot of things. Even the bad stuff is flushed away.
I can’t hold onto feelings of resentment or remember who should be disciplined.
Likewise, I forget kindnesses though.
I have a stack of “thank you” notes written who-knows-when,
Sitting here at my desk, and some in my nightstand.
I write them and forget them.
SO I am pretty sure the awesome people who’ve shown me so many kindnesses
Think I’m lame and ungrateful for their effort.
That’s not who I am. Was.

Maybe I just think I’m worse than I was?
That’s another thought rolling around.
Maybe I’ve always been “good-intentioned”?
It’s possible.
But have I always been so bad at being “good intentioned” as I am now?
That’s the question, right?

Am I rambling?
I’m rambling.

One doctor said I need to have a plan for recovery.
He was a jerk of a doctor, truly—
I had to see him for an IME for the defense.
And the only thing I remember from that meeting was
Those words.
“A plan for recovery.”
Since the accident, the kids put up a magnetic white board calendar for me
With my whole month written upon it:
My doctor appointments,
Lawyer appointments,
Kids schedules,
Yucky stuff like when bills are due,
And whatever else I need to know.
Should I try to write my “plan for recovery” on there too?
Other than the doctor appointments I go to,
Nearly every day—
And getting back to staging homes with my friend and partner, Kelly,
AND being open to births—
Whatelse should I be doing?

I am trying my best to reconstruct my daily life
As it was before the accident;
Altho I am not working at a company,
Like I used to and was indeed doing the day of the accident.
I don’t even know where to start with that one.?
What can I still do?
What will my brain be open to and hold onto?

I went and signed up for classes at the community college
And then promptly forgot to follow-up with FAFSA
and placement tests.
SO very very lame.
Outta sight, outta mind.
That would look good on a t-shirt, yeah?
I could wear it as a warning to others.
How did I let that one go?, I wonder.

The idea of going to school thrilled me.
And then it didn’t.

This is the stuff in my mind.
I can be engaged as easily as disaffected.
Involved and disinterested.
Detached is a word that resembles my day.

I continually try new things to find “new favorites”—
N’  also to stretch my mind;
I will teach any lesson in Church,
Try to sew a new window treatment for my friend, L.,
Try a new recipe—which is kinda crummy because then I can’t recall it,
But still, I’m trying, right?
I try not to say “no” to new experiences.
But I fret more than I used to.
And that’s sucky.
And in this moment of clarity,
I do recall that our family motto for 2012 is
“Don’t Suck”.
I have really let that one go down the drain, eh?

When did I get so negative? I asked my neurologist if that’s normal for a concussive brain.
He said it is.
But still, I don’t want to be a Negative Nancy.
Those kind of people drain me.
I don’t enjoy someone whose all mopey and depressed.
It’s, well, depressing.

C’mon little ol brain of mine—
Perk Up! I say.
I tried to do brain exercises,
Like Sudoko.
Sadists developed that, I’m pretty sure.
Like bowling with no fingers.
I don’t  stop trying, but man.
it feels like Algebra in the 7th grade.
Which I only got a “C” in.

Maybe my problem is that I wasn’t too sharp to start with, yeah?
That would make a lot of sense right about now.
Maybe I’m not as far off the mark as I think.
Maybe I’m more a dumb-flip than I remember myself to be;
I do recall telling Mr. Wonderful that I never said I was “smart”
when we met.
And he told me that was ok because he married me because I’m a “good kisser”
Take that!-- Coach _____ who taught 7th grade Algebra.
(I told you I would never need to know the value of “x”!)

So within this line of thinking,
Perhaps my “Plan for recovery” could amount to me just
Choosing to stay the course?
Go to my appointments,
Try new things,
Stop resenting the white calendar board on the fridge,
Ya know, get over it already;                                                                                             
Pick a darn paint color for the front room
N’ start painting!
It’s just paint for cryin out loud.

Maybe, this mind of mine is better than I think it is.
Let’s go with that.

IN the meantime,
if I owe you an apology or a thank-you note,
let me know.
If I owe you a kindness in return of a kindness,
let me know.
If I owe you a black eye, 
best leave things alone, yeah?
Apparently, I got over it.


  1. I'm so sorry this happened to you :-( It makes me wonder about my own head injury when I was eighteen, someone smashed their helmeted head at full speed into mine, whereafter I flew to the ground and smashed my head against the concrete road. I was unconscious for days. My face was swollen and black for weeks. No one ever told me about brain injury. No one did any follow-up at all. I wonder what I lost, how many problems came out of that, how much damage I still have. Its only in this past year (more than two decades later) that I've started to realise what a big deal it was.

    I hope so much you have a full recovery and feel yourself again.

  2. I had no idea it was this involved and this bad. I'm so sorry. My biggest suggestion would be to take a ton of pictures and keep them in a folder on your computer that you can sift through every day if you like, then that will bring the good back to mind and keep the bad where it belongs--forgotten.

    Here's hoping for you.


  3. I'm sorry. And I love you! I wish I had something better to give you, but I so appreciate you! Hang in there because you really are wonderful and I am certain you'll be feeling awesome again.

  4. I love reading your posts!! And this post in particular struck me. My brother suffered from a brain injury when he was 15. He's now 34 and still has moments when he has the thought process and social skills of a teenager. One thing that my mom tried to get him into was a program with the local community college specifically tailored for people with brain injuries, regardless of severity. My brother then slipped into the stubborn teenager bit and refused to go. But I do know that there are programs out there for people with injuries similar to yours. I can only imagine how difficult life has been for you this past year. I truly hope that things get better and you find joy again. Definitely stay away from Sudoku because that is evil and against our religion!

    The hardest part is knowing that you may never fully become who you were pre-accident. But know that you can become better than ever.

  5. I am so happy to catch up with you.... love all your nana stories, happy and not so happy!! Love the mother-daughter relationship. NOT happy to hear your less than stellar brain stories!! Loving AZ and using your words of wisdom for living here! (got a hotpad mitt in the car!)

  6. Right before we moved to Northern California, I got in an accident while looking at property. (My realtor was driving.) I got a concussion and broke my jaw. For the first couple of months, I could not even hold on to my train of thought. I did really crazy things like forget to pick up my kids at school, forget I was teaching a lesson, put things in the refrigerator that went in the grocery cupboard, etc.etc.

    Things slowly got better. The only residuals I had was that I lost my amazing memory for numbers (if I heard a phone number once, I knew it) and had a little worse word recall. Even that kept improving as time went by.

    I also didn't write anything at all for a whole year. I think I need to share with you the poem I wrote on the day that I sort of "burst out" and started writing again. Here it is. It's called "Gut Gout." I have a feeling you will relate:

    gut gout

    i'd like to write a couple poems
    but things aren't going great
    my mind is stuck in first gear and
    i just can't concentrate
    i've forgotten how to reason
    i've forgotten how to rhyme
    like an opera singer struck dumb
    in the middle of her prime
    like a salmon who has been advised
    he has to stay downstream
    or like being underwater when
    you really need to scream
    and i do, the feelings go so deep
    i just can't get them out
    so they fester and consume me
    like some kind of inner gout
    internal gout, it's in my gut
    Gut Gout, i guess you'd say, that's right
    i've got a lethal case of gut gout
    and i'm losing all my fight
    i fight with words that's how i work
    i need my words to bail me out
    i need to feel them flow again
    but there's deposits in my spout
    deposits clogging up the works
    not only minerals, but rust
    they'll either wash out with the pressure
    or this faucet's gonna bust

    Gut Gout and faucets, what a crock
    this is my brain that's on the blink
    and I hate it, hate it, hate it
    hate the way that i can't think
    hate the way that i'm forgetting
    hate how hard it is to write
    hate the way i can't articulate
    two words without a fight
    hate the headache that i'm getting
    just from writing this one thing
    hate depression, hate anxiety
    hate moods and how they swing
    hate the way the blows keep landing
    on each painful, healing bruise
    hate the way these sores get picked
    and kicked and beaten till they ooze

    and i'd say uncle but i can't
    because i hate to lose
    And I refuse.

    As you can see, I feel your pain, Dawn, but take heart. It passed, and so will yours. But you will have to fight your way through it. Which shouldn't be a problem, because you are one heck of a good survivor.

    Hugs to you!


  7. @Everyone whose commented: THANK YOU!
    Thanks to Sue--you nailed it! Thank you!

  8. I didn't realize that you have had such a struggle the past year. I am truly sorry. If it helps any I can't recall a post that you have written this past year that I didn't love and remember that your 'worst' writing is still far and above my best attempts.

    Keep being you, memory loss and all.

  9. I'm SOOOO sorry. I wondered why you hadn't been writing as much. Although I haven't written much either, but I blame that on grief brain. You are describing my exact feelings right now. I'm just hoping that with time we will all heal! Hang in there!

  10. Love you Momza!!
    have missed you!!
    and enjoyed the catching up with you this morning!!
    just because i can!!!


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